Kingery 20/20 President of "The United States of America"
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November 11, 2024 edit.
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is almost ready for travel-testing.
Helping establish Clean Honest Government with these united States of America.
But first I have to find the code to put in here so that you can track where my phone is; and where I am, so long as I am the one in possession of my phone.
This page changed with the
November 11, 2024 edit.
You! The registered voters; the HR Department; should know whether or not the candidate you select knows enough about The Declaration & The Constitution; to protect your rights. CleanHonestGovernment.Com will show you that I possess that knowledge. It then is up to you as to whether or not you can support a homeless man getting into The White House. If not, you can ignore this little section; but the rest of the website should make the registered voters a much better HR Department, when it comes to filling the key offices during the General Election, and the Recall Elections.
My preferred method of contact is in person. If it looks like I dozed off; please wake me, as this is what I'm here for.
Otherwise, take your chances with: danielmkingery[at]gmail[dot]com.
The following video is a Rough Draft; primarily for the audio; for what is becoming a 3D-Animated campaign music video. It is about 2 minutes long. Pardon the problems with audio and covered lens at the beginning, which repeats that the end.
This is for those who Judge 'Books' by Their Cover
With, The Correct Perspective, any person can confidently answer whether every registered voter; votes; without relying upon any government employee as a resource?
The governed people are intended to work together to properly control their government's powers towards equally protecting each other's rights.
[End Page Content]
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How you can Invest in making Clean Honest Government Our Reality
Helping establish Clean Honest Government with these united States of America.