The 20/20 Founding Charter & Constitution for "The United States of America"

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—for citizen-controlled government—
The 20/20 Founding Charter & Constitution for "The United States of America" is an ownership instruction manual, as well as an educational tool. It details the lawful and contractual process for the governed people to properly control their government officers. Most importantly, it instructs the governed people about what to do when their employees in government either fail or refuse to work within this Constitution's limits on their political powers.
The "20/20" should remain part of the title; reminding the citizens that Hind-Sight is 20/20. The governed people must learn from the past, and correct the mistakes from the past, —in order to improve their future.
This Constitution easily adapts for different government levels from cities and towns, counties, states, nationally, even for foreign countries;
• It identifies the governed, the citizens, as the Sovereign Authority over government at every level and branch.
• It details the powers granted to each of the three primary government branches; the Legislative, the Executive, and Judicial.
• It successfully solves the relationship between the government and the governed. As a unified body of registered-voters, the governed people exercise the Sovereign Power & Authority over their government.
A written constitution should exist for every government level. It should detail exactly what powers the governed people grant to their respective government-levels. The degree of that power may vary towards less power, but not more than this constitution authorizes. Thus, it eliminates most of the guesswork about what powers exercised by government are just and honorable; as well as which powers are corrupted and tyrannical. The powers granted to government must not violate The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America. It is included in this Constitution as a reminder of the limited powers that the governed people may of right grant to their government.
When the governed people, being the keepers of their own Liberty, fail to properly maintain their government; others move in to use that government against them. Those invaders promise the people false hopes. They steal from the people the fortunes of their Liberty, —the freedom to exercise their rights and their duty to properly control their own government.
Far too many citizens do not properly comprehend their most important right, —their right to alter, to abolish, or to throw off their corrupted government. This includes removing the officers therein and undoing their unjust actions, through Impeachments and Recalls; so that they may better protect their other rights.
Many people never recognize the necessity for amending or replacing their constitution when it surfaces. The design and plan for The 20/20 Founding Charter & Constitution for “The United States of America" is to make it easier for citizen-residents to recognize such necessity. It also details the path by which the governed people are to lawfully correct the ills of government.
Correcting government is best, when done early and often, when it costs less financially, as well as less bloodshed.
Defective government leaves the governed people with few options; modify that Form of Government, if possible; when necessary, replace it. That, or learn to live with the corrupted government, which usually gets worse when ignored.
The governed people must frequently and thoroughly inspect their government for signs of corruption. When found, they must swiftly correct it. This does not mean each individual spends vast hours digging through mountains of papers and laws. At the very least, it requires the resident-citizen to fight the enforcement of unjust laws that may pass when a previous generation got off track. Failure in this, encourages government corruption to grow.
If any generation fails in this, their Duty; it is their neglect that allows political corruption to ravage and destroy their nation, their states, their counties, and their cities and towns from within.
The number of States, whose citizens remain contractually bound by the nation’s Founding Charter, which is, The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, has grown to fifty States and several territories. The citizens of all new states are equally bound to The unanimous Declaration, regardless of when they join the union.
The unanimous Declaration is the Founding Charter. It authorizes the creation of a constitution, which is the actual form of government. Every State that joins the union, they do so as an equal with all the others States.
At present, the government officers within the united States of America, repeat the list of abuses and usurpations detailed in The Declaration. Those usurpations and abuse of powers identify the same type of tyranny and absolute despotism over the citizens today, that existed for the nation’s founders in 1776.
Because of its political abuses, the government demands immediate action by the citizens to right their nation and to repair their failed government. For these reasons, the citizens have directly put in force The 20/20 Founding Charter & Constitution for "The United States of America", in order to better preserve their rights.
The governed people, with three-fourths of the total body of registered voters, in each of three-fourths of all the states, territories and possessions within the nation; in accord with the 1790 Constitution of the United States of America, as well as, The 20/20 Founding Charter & Constitution for "The United States of America"; in order to improve unity and diversity, establish and maintain justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the nation's common defense, promote the general well-being of these united States of America, and strengthen its diversified unity; this Constitution encourages socially responsible, self sufficient, resident citizens.
Each citizen resident is responsible for their own actions, as well as to defend the rights of others who are unjustly attacked. As the body of registered voters, they are also responsible for their government's actions; reserving to themselves and to their posterity, the power to recall any unjust government official, adjust the government’s powers, and undo any unjust government act or decision.
The sovereign, independent, and free nation's name is; —the united States of America–[sic]. This is proved by The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America; which created the union of States on the American continent.
The national-level government's name is; "The United States of America"– [sic]. This is proved in The Articles of Confederation, Article 1, the nation's first constitution. That name has not yet been altered.
"Unified Diversity: First We Try, —Then We Trust"
The powers for "The United States of America", the government, are limited to only those powers granted from within this Constitution, in accord with this modified phrase from The unanimous Declaration; —To secure the rights of the governed people; governments derive their just powers from The Consent of the Governed.
In these united States of America, the nation, the sovereign authority from which all political powers originate over government, is the governed people, acting in accord with The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America. To be specific, that is at least, two-thirds majority of the total number of registered voters in their respective political jurisdictions; which, according to The 1790 Constitution for the United States of America, is at present considered to be a veto proof majority.
It was never intended that it be easy for government to acquire powers. With this constitution, all balloted items and candidates must acquire the consenting votes from two-thirds majority of the total number of registered voters. However, it should be easier to remove, and to undo unjust government actions and powers than to grant them. Therefore, only the simple majority of the total number of registered voters may veto any government power, act of government, or remove any government officer.
Independence is being free of the unjust interference from any other country, nation, government, group or individual.
Independence in no way frees the governed people from obeying the honorable, lawful obligations in treaties that are made in accord with The unanimous Declaration.
A change in Constitutions does not free a society from the terms of prior treaties, unless they were made contrary to the Authority of The unanimous Declaration.
Freedom relates to the lawfully listed and unlisted rights as individuals to do as any other individuals may of right do.
With respect to the powers granted to government by the resident-citizens; the rights and powers exercised by individuals, as well as granted to their governments must be in accord with the limited terms detailed within The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America.
To unite consists of more than merely agreeing.
To unite requires working together for the common objective.
While a group's Unity increases its strength; Diversity among that group increases its ability to survive a wider variety of attacks.
Prospective residents-citizens enter on a temporary trial basis.
Existing, permanent resident-citizens of the respective local-community; cities and towns; test the new person's character and their knowledge as it relates to Self-Governance. During this time, the prospective citizen-resident investigates these united States of America's people and government to make certain they want to make these united States of America their home.
Lawful entry into the nation must be in accord with The Uniform Rule of Immigration and Naturalization, established within this constitution.
This prohibits admitting persons who unlawfully entered and or unlawfully stay in these united States of America.
Each temporary resident must request to become a permanent resident. The existing body of Registered Voters, in the majority of the total, grant permanent residency. After this, the new permanent resident may apply to become a voter in these united States of America.
The existing body of registered voters test the prospective voter about their knowledge of Self-Governance concerning The 20/20 Founding Charter & Constitution for "The United States of America". If the prospective voter passes, they may register as a new voter.
Because of its continued importance, The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America is the nation’s Founding Charter. It also is the Founding Charter for government; as it details the source and types of powers the government may acquire. It applies to every government level, which remains subject to the Sovereign Authority, —the governed people, —as contracted within The Declaration.
For ease of reference, the numbered paragraphs below have section headings to clarify how it relates to the whole. Bold text is added to emphasize certain elements. In addition, definition-snapshots contain, the at time of used, original meanings definitions from a 1756 common-use dictionary.
The unanimous Declaration is part of this Constitution, because the total body of registered voters, have become their own Direct Bicameral Legislative Branch.
With future alterations to, or replacements of this Constitution, The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America; remains a separate unaltered contract. To lawfully amend The unanimous Declaration, every State in the union must ratify those alterations.
sBecause the nation grew from the original thirteen States to the fifty; The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America is simply referred to as, The unanimous Declaration.
With respect to what powers the governed people may of right grant to any government level or branch, as well as how the governed peoples' votes must be accounted for, all citizens remain honor bound to The unanimous Declaration and the pledge written in its last few lines.
[...] Below: The Declaration's actual content is bold, indented, italicized and placed between these bracket-sets [...]
[...] When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. [...]
Note: Dissolving political bands are witnessed in a variety of ways. Such as when part of a family, business, city, town, county, state, or nation secedes from or divorces the others and establishes themselves as a distinctly separate entity.
[...] We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. [...]
Note #1: Defining the word men:
Men — 1756
Men, the plural of man.
1. Human being.
The race of man.
Yes, the 1756 definition naturally does include the male-sex definition.
Note #2: When people go to naming unalienable rights, they completely forget these 4 words; —that among these are...
[...] That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, [...]
Note: When one person is alone, they must provide their own security. When they join with others as a community and the group grows, the group's main security is provided by a smaller group. The group, generally becomes what we call government. However, each individual still remains responsible for their security when the government fails or violates that security.
[...] governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, [...]
Note: This short phrase, —the consent of the governed,- provides two important details;
• Who is eligible to vote.
• How to count their votes.
[...] That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. [...]
Note: This is not suggesting that governments might become corrupted. It tells us that they will; and when they do, these are our rights.
[...] Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; [...]
Note #1: This seems to go against the next warning against becoming too accustomed to those political evils. After all, some of the worst governments have been in powers for hundreds of years.
Note #2: Government should not be changed simply because of some new fad. There should be a really good reason for altering government powers.
[...] and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. [...]
Note: The founding generation might have done well to follow this advice. They did not. They simply continued many of the British / European lifestyle and government practices with which they were familiar and most accustomed to. According to the terms of this contract, slavery should have ended in 1776. Woman suppression should have ended in 1776. Unjust taxation should have ended in 1776.
[...] But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.
Note: —Not if– But when governments violate the peoples' rights unjustly, it becomes their duty to stop it.
[...] Such has been the patient sufferance of these colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these states. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world. [...]
Note: When it becomes necessary to alter, abolish, or throw off a government form... tell the world.
[...] He has refused his assent to laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good. [...]
Note: One of those laws is The Constitution of the United States of America, Amendment 13; along with a host of others. But Amendment 13 authorizes the use of slavery and involuntary servitude as a punishment for crime, but under one strict condition; the accused must be duly convicted. Government cannot duly convict a person by enforcing an unconstitutional law against them.
[...] He has forbidden his governors to pass laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them. [...]
[...] He has refused to pass other laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of representation in the legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only. [...]
Note: To force a people to not have voting representation is an act of tyranny. It is logical for this to happen for a short time when conquering foreign people, taking them on as possessions or territories, and the like. But, if after a few short years, if they refuse to live under the rules of the standing Declaration & Constitution, grant their independence and let then fend for themselves.
[...] He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.[...]
[...] He has dissolved representative houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people. [...]
Note: Representative houses are dissolved when those people in representative offices refuse to follow the terms of the constitutional contract they swear oath to defend. The Constitution is the voice of their constituents. Representation is also dissolved when they fail to cast a constitutional vote as their constituents demand of them.
[...] He has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected; whereby the legislative powers, incapable of annihilation, have returned to the people at large for their exercise; the state remaining in the mean time exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within. [...]
Note: Legislative powers have returned to the people at large is evidence that the people are the source of government power. Unfortunately, it seems to indicate that a small body of legislators knows best. Generally, the people are poor enforces of their own power. This 20/20 Constitution returns all Legislative Power back to the people at large; but with very strict limitations on the exercise of that power, as detailed within This Declaration.
[...] He has endeavored to prevent the population of these states; for that purpose obstructing the laws for naturalization of foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new appropriations of lands. [...]
Note: A government that refuses to regulate immigration and naturalization, opening the borders to whoever will cross, does more damage to their own people than by not allow anyone in at all.
[...] He has obstructed the administration of justice, by refusing his assent to laws for establishing judiciary powers. [...]
[...] He has made judges dependent on his will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries. [...]
Note: Judges put in office by political party presidents and confirmed or not by political party senate, has not changed much since King George III.
[...] He has erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance. [...]
Note: This also has continued from 1776 with nearly one government office, agency, department, bureau, czar, etc. covering nearly every aspect of human life.
[...] He has kept among us, in times of peace, standing armies without the consent of our legislatures. [...]
Note: When looking at police, supposed civilian law enforcement, who are at least as heavily armed as foreign armies; our government has fulfilled this as well. The question here might be; as to whether the legislative body authorizing them was elected in accord with the terms of The Declaration.
[...] He has affected to render the military independent of and superior to the civil power. [...]
[...] He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his assent to their acts of pretended legislation: [...]
Note: The United Nations is a foreign government that holds heavy influence over laws passed in this country.
[...] For quartering large bodies of armed troops among us: [...]
Note: Large police departments with multiple divisions that specialize on certain laws.
[...] For protecting them, by a mock trial, from punishment for any murders which they should commit on the inhabitants of these states: [...]
Note: Mock Trials are exactly what the system of the judicial branch has deteriorated into. Amendment 6 demands that all criminal prosecutions be tried by an impartial jury, not a judge. When a judge decides the verdict, it mostly favors the police officers who enforce unconstitutional laws. Thus, protecting the police and legislators with mock trials.
[...] For cutting off our trade with all parts of the world: [...]
[...] For imposing taxes on us without our consent: [...]
Note: This is another of those voting requirements. Taxation. No matter how young the age of the citizen, if they are taxed for anything, they possess the right to vote. The parents, by allowing the child to spend their own money in the store has declared the youth competent enough to transact business within society. Society, in the form of the store clerk that takes the child's money and gives them the product has declared the child competent. Then, the government, by not exempted people under a certain age from paying any form of taxation has agreed with parents and society in that the taxpayer is competent enough to transact business in society. Voting is societal business.
[...] For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of trial by jury: [...]
Note: As mentioned earlier in the mock trials, the courts deny jury trials for the "minor" crimes. Also, government changed the rules of Amendment 7 for common-law jury trials from the $20 threshold to thousands of dollars.
[...] For transporting us beyond seas to be tried for pretended offenses: [...]
Note: Guantanamo Bay is not one of the united States of America. Any citizen accused of terrorism, may be shipped out of country for torture and possibly trial, conviction, and sentencing.
[...] For abolishing the free system of English laws in a neighboring province, establishing therein an arbitrary government, and enlarging its boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these colonies: [...]
[...] For taking away our charters, abolishing our most valuable laws, and altering fundamentally the forms of our governments: [...]
Note: When politicians declare that these Contracts; The Declaration and The Constitution; are old dead paper, and then refuse to limit the exercise of their power to Constitutional limits; they have fundamentally altered the forms of government.
[...] For suspending our own legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever. [...]
Note: When those in the Representative offices no longer abide by The Constitution in representing their constituents; they dissolved the representative houses. Then they begin legislating over the governed people in all cases whatsoever.
[...] He has abdicated government here, by declaring us out of his protection and waging war against us. [...]
Note: The 1790 Constitution, Article 3, Section 3 also defines such actions as Treason in the 1st part of levying war against the nation; and treason in the 2nd part by adhering to and giving aid and comfort to an enemy. The unanimous Declaration describes those actions as tyranny and despotism as domestic enemies. The 1785 definition for
War — 1785
1. War may be defined the exercise of sovereign command against withstanders; force, authority, and resistance, being the essential parts thereof.
When armed police come to arrest a person while enforcing unconstitutional laws; as seen in many an arrest; with search & seizure activities that cause property damage and bodily injury, if not killing people; this is violence under sovereign command. Key word unconstitutional; which means that The Constitution they swore oath to defend is the first withstander; The Declaration, another withstander the person violated another withstander; and society should be the other physical body standing up against such unconstitutional government acts.
[...] He has plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people. [...]
Note: The politicized flue virus named Corona is an excellent example of this tyrannical power. Government closed many businesses, putting many people out of work. Unemployed, many of these people became homeless. Then the government criminalized many of them by fining and or jailing them for violating other unconstitutional laws such as sleeping in public or camping on public land. Both, sleeping and camping are protected rights under Amendment 9 of The Constitution of the United States of America.
[...] He is at this time transporting large armies of foreign mercenaries to complete the works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of cruelty & perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the head of a civilized nation. [...]
Note: The government use of the plea-bargain, rewards criminal activity by providing to those who actually commit crimes with greatly reduced sentences; while giving those innocent persons the maximum sentence if they insist on taking the case to trial.
[...] He has constrained our fellow citizens taken captive on the high seas to bear arms against their country, to become the executioners of their friends and brethren, or to fall themselves by their hands. [...]
Note: "The United States" government modified this, by capturing group-associated people accused of minor crimes and holding them in jails or prisons, without trial until they confess or are able to name someone else who may or may not have committed a more serious "crime".
[...] He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction, of all ages, sexes and conditions. [...]
Note: When the government passes unconstitutional laws that unjustly favor one class of citizens over the others, it sets the people at odds against each other as is often seen at racial, abortion, sex-preference protests. As connected with the previous grievance; the plea-bargain (substituted for mercenary Indian savages) is producing the same results.
[...] In every stage of these oppressions we have petitioned for redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. [...]
Note: This grievance regarding tyranny is seen, once again, in the 'plea-bargain' situation when the accused challenges an unconstitutional law. Society is answered by government with harsher sentences.
[...] A Prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a Free People. [...]
Note: Indicated in the various notes above, the peoples' government officers are unfit for office; yet, the people do nothing because they have become too accustomed to those political evils, and to fearful that they might lose some other "freedom" the mistakenly "think" or assume that they still may freely exercise. When the citizens fear their own government; those citizens have already lost everything.
[...] Nor have we been wanting in attentions to our British brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. [...]
Note: Many protesters assemble peaceably trying to inform other citizens to get involved; yet, they respond with, "So long as the government is not coming after me, you fight your own battles." They do not realized that when government violates The Constitution to attack others, they are attacking everyone because their rights-list is exactly the same; though each chooses and values certain rights differently. This is the same as watching another person being raped, robbed, and otherwise badly beaten —while the onlooker does nothing. After all, it is not happening to me....Yet!
[...] We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace, Friends. [...]
Note: If the politicians who deal with foreign issues worked according to this short little phrase, "as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace, Friends"; civilizations would have far more allies than enemies. Work in government, also, would be far simpler.
[...] We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, assembled, appealing to the supreme judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the name, and by authority of the good people of these colonies, [...]
Note: Representatives, while acting in the capacity of their government office, are not supposed to act in any way or manner that their constituents have not contractually authorized. The key is constitutional authority.
[...] solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be Free and Independent States; [...]
Note: The Treaty between the united States of America and that of Great Britain has Great Britain recognizing the independence, not granting the independence. Big difference. That which is granted may rightly be taken at any time.
[...] that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; [...]
Note: Unfortunately, for these united States of America, the founding generation's politicians, all too familiar and comfortable with British political and social practices —merely continued them, in some cases under different names.
[...] and that as Free and Independent States, they have full power to levy war, conclude peace, contract alliances, establish commerce, and to do all other acts and things which Independent States may of right do. [...]
Note: Though these united States of America possess the same powers as all other Free and Independent States; this does not mean that they are to allow the exercise of unjust political and social activity, that may be allowed in other Free and Independent States.
[...] And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor. [...]
Note: Once a person knows the purpose and content of This Declaration, this pledge makes total sense. The purpose deals with the equal security of all human rights. All people are equal with respect to the list of rights from which they may value and choose different rights to exercise. The government gets its power directly from the governed people. Everyone is supposed to help each other when their rights are unjustly attacked by government or another person.
Item 45, above, ends The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, 1776. The representative’s signatures for the Founding Generation, excluded. The 1776 Founding Charter for the nation of these united States of America stands of its own accord. Its inclusion in this Constitution is so that it might strengthen the governed peoples' resolve as active participants in regulating their government's power. It should keep them from subjecting themselves to any government that unjustly infringes upon their rights or that of their neighbor’s rights.
These are some of the other reasons why The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America remains valuable for the governed people today. It is:
...proves that the governed people own their governments and are responsible for properly controlling them.
...created the nation, the united States of America, out of those former British Colonies.
...separated the political powers of the united American Colonies, as, the united States of America from those of Great Britain.
...declares that the consent of the governed is required to create and grant powers to governments.
...names the people's most important right and duty as that of unifying with others for properly controlling their government’s powers.
...defines representative power, prohibiting Representatives from casting a personal-morals vote in public office that may be contrary to their respective constitution and or the will of the majority of their registered voter constituent body.
...defines citizenship responsibility and limits the types of powers that voters may rightly grant to their governments.
...defines a tyranny as any political action that violates the people's rights and or violates a written constitution.
...lists powers specifically prohibited for government to exercise.
...the King of Great Britain.
...the world.
...the people of the then-new united States of America.
...the Founders' posterity, —the present generation.
...all who serve in our governments.
...all other global governments and others that might do business with our government.
...identifies the governed peoples' rights and duty to protect and preserve their rights, which is their national treasure.
...identifies all of society as their treasure's guardians.
...lets the people know how they might lose their treasure.
...informs tyrants how to steal the governed peoples' treasure, if they get too comfortable with minor government corruption.
...tells the governed people how they might re-acquire their treasure when they or a prior generation loses it.
...warns patriots of potential dangers.
...human nature to tolerate abuses.
...rights common to all humans.
...the government's natural lean towards tyranny. adversity motivates people to action. and why the governed people should frequently exercise proper control over their government.
When defining words used in The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, a dictionary available for common use, printed several years prior to the proposal and signing of that contract will reveal what those words meant to that signing generation. Applying this practice, also when comprehending the content of any of the prior constitutions and amendments, reveals what the generation at that time expected the content to mean.
The following definitions apply in such manner as to amend prior enacted laws. They also apply to laws enacted hereafter.
Consistency in laws in all government levels and branches assures the people of equality and justice no matter where they travel within these united States of America.
All laws prior to This Constitution's ratification date that are not re-instated within two years must be unenforceable and void of power.
All laws re-instated must fully comply with This Constitution’s Article 4, Section 6 and receive a Date of Reinstatement and an Expiration Date, at which time it must be re-examined for necessary amendments for renewed, or it naturally dies, being unenforceable.
Any person jailed or otherwise incarcerated for having violated a law that, when modified, would have freed that person from that crime; that individual must be released from that sentence —but this does not touch any other penalties where that person was duly convicted of violating a law that the governed people reinstate in accord with the terms of This Constitution's Article 4, Section 6.
If the Legislative Branch creates a law, ordinance, or other prohibition against any action that carries with it any form of penalty (monetary, incarceration, or any other form of penalty); committing that prohibited act is a crime, no matter how minor or severe the action or the penalty. It is not a crime; and it is not punishable to violate any law that violates This Constitution.
A citizen is any person born of a mother who is already a lawful citizen of, or who lawfully naturalized into, any of these united States of America.
The birth mother’s citizenship determines the automatic citizenship of the child. The birth mother’s citizenship is more certain and easily proved than the biological father, which may be added at that families personal expense of DNA testing, at an authorized citizenship testing facility.
A Contract, as used in This Constitution, includes the lawful, written Chain-of-Authority of ratified documents. The foundation for all government action originates with The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America.
The nation's constitution, The 20/20 Founding Charter and Constitution for "The United States of America" is the umbrella constitution for all government levels and branches within these united States of America. All laws and all other constitutions respective to all smaller political jurisdictions; including federal, state, county, as well as cities and towns; are subject to This Constitution. Each group of two-thirds of the total number of the smaller political jurisdictions possess authority to regulate the powers of each respectively larger political jurisdiction, as detailed within This Constitution's Legislative Powers; see: Article 4
Parties to private contracts may waive rights or parts thereof where laws made pursuant to This Constitution offer certain protections. This form of right's—waiver applies only to the signers. The rights waiver cannot bind any heir or others assigned to the contract, unless they too choose to waive constitutional protection by signing that contract.
Notaries must witness signatures of all signers of contracts, whether public or private, which also includes all ballots; thus affirming that each signer has personally read and comprehends the terms of the contract in order for that contract to be enforced in a constitutional court of law.
A domestic enemy is a citizen who votes to pass a law that violates The Declaration or This constitution, or votes for the lesser of evils; law enforcement officers who enforce such unconstitutional orders or unconstitutional laws; judges and juries that do not allow the respective constitutions and or The unanimous Declaration in the trial to prove the law's unconstitutionality.
A foreign enemy is simply any government, business, or individual who is not a united States American citizen, whether or not they have a base of operations anywhere within these united States of America, its territories or possessions, and violates our citizens peace, well–being, safety within the geographical boundaries of these united States of America, and or interferes with our elections, whether or not they have openly declared war against these united States.
With respect to Impartial Jury; both (or all) parties of a suit must participate in selecting the entire pool from which the final jury is selected. Such original selection of the larger panel might include simply throwing darts at the registration of resident and citizens in that political jurisdiction; or simply going outside the courthouse or other public place to select the required larger pool from random people on the street; whether citizen or not.
Citizenship, residency, or even whether or not a person has registered as a voter must not exclude a person from serving on a jury; —only whether both parties can agree as to whether that person is impartial with respect to the trial at hand.
The written record by which to fund the constitutional government activities; regulate the activity, property, and or finances of the people who unjustly infringe upon the rights of others; to punish those for violating the rights or the property of others; as well as stop unjust political powers by amending This Constitution as needed, or by repealing or amending any law that fails constitutional tests. This also includes the creation of government projects, programs, and enterprise funds in accord with The unanimous Declaration; as well as ways to promote and encourage people to be beneficial to their communities.
People or Person refers only to a flesh and blood, biological human. The unified Body of Governed Resident-Citizens is the Sovereign Authority responsible for controlling their respective government level and branch. The voice of the Sovereign Authority is determined foremost by the content in the respective constitutions and then by the vote of the people, which requires, at the very least, a two-thirds, veto-proof majority of the Total Number of Registered Voters to Consent before the balloted item or candidate become officially enforceable or elected. The laws enacted in accord with This Constitution regulate interactions among the people, with the intent to reduce rights-violations.
A Political Jurisdiction is the geographical land area that a government office and level of government serves and the powers of that government, in accord with This Constitution. The city, town, or village wherein a person maintains their permanent lawful voting residence is the smallest political jurisdiction. Counties, States, and national unions are progressively larger political jurisdictions.
The Public Trust consists of The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, The 20/20 Founding Charter & Constitution for "The United States of America", the respective State Constitutions, County Constitutions, and the City Constitutions, all legislation that the citizens enact in accord with The Supreme Law of the Land.
Additionally, the Public Trust includes campaign promises the official made while campaigning, so long as those promises do not violate the named constitutions or laws made in pursuance thereof. This does not authorize the elected official to implement those campaign promises under the guise of manifest destiny or voter mandates until authorized by appropriate constitutional authority.
In an effort to reduce political corruption and save money, the Governed People are their own Direct Bicameral Legislative Branch.
Representatives include those persons elected into the executive and judicial offices, as well as others with whom elected officials appoint, hire, or contract with to perform work authorized by constitutional legislation. All those who represent the People willingly bind themselves by oath; whether physically administered, publicly or not; to uphold, support, and defend This Constitution against enemies, whether foreign or domestic, as well as the other named contracts in the defense of the governed people and their rights, which also includes the rights of foreign visitors within This Constitution's jurisdiction. Foreigners possess no voting powers within these united States of America.
A Resident-Citizen of these united States of America is a person who is lawfully a citizen of the united States of America and a citizen of one of the States in this union where they maintain their sole lawful voting-residency for more than three consecutive calendar years; and from where, as a lawful citizen, they cast all ballots. A person with more than one residence location must choose from which one they maintain their voter-status. This is to reduce the probability of people with multiple residents from casting more than one ballot in any given polling.
With respect to Possessions, Territories, Colonies, Tribes and political jurisdictions that the nation's laws tend to govern; those political jurisdictions must work their best to become versed in the political customs of the nation, via This Constitution, within three years or be cut free to fend for itself as an independent political body. This nation will not subject any political jurisdiction to the same government corruption as was present in 1776 when these united States were the colonies of Great Britain.
With respect to the timing for trials; as soon as the government accuses and or arrests someone of a crime or seizes property, the government admits that they possess sufficient evidence to obtain a guilty verdict. If the defense is ready for trial to either prove the unconstitutionality of the enforced law and or prove their innocence —that day– the impartial jury trial must take place that same day. Otherwise, in order for the government to hold any person in jail until trial for any type of crime, a Grand-Jury indictment must authorize the incarceration with a specified reason for the incarceration, as well as the limited time the person can be held until trial, which must not exceed three days. If the jury finds the accused person not-guilty or innocent, the accused person must be compensated for each hour detained, up until released, property returned, and transported to their residences or to the place they were traveling to. Article 9 Added Political Restrictions; go to: § 9 Return of Property in this Constitution's Article 9.
Treason consists of offenses against This Constitution or against the other contracts specifically named herein. The contracts represent and serve as the Sovereign Power over the respective government levels. Betrayal of this public trust is treason. No person may be convicted of treason unless; on the testimony of at least two witnesses to the same act, overt or covert, and who testify to the treason in an open and public court before an impartial jury; or on long-form confession by the accused while in the presence of a jury in an open and public court. All references to a jury within This Constitution are the same as detailed within the Judicial Branch.
Absolutely no government official may escape justice because of the office they hold. They must be made to answer for their actions, when criminal; the same as any other person, without delay. Violating this constitution is a treasonous event.
Tyranny or Tyrant is any government official or political office that incorporates one or more prohibited political actions listed in the grievances outlined in The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, or violates any part of This Constitution or the other contracts specifically named in This Constitution that follow a strict line of authority into The unanimous Declaration.
The Legislative Branch directs the powers of the Executive and Judicial Branches by creating guide-laws and prohibitory-laws.
Guide-Laws are rules and suggested actions. They carry no penalty if not obeyed. These laws, such as speeding, parking, safety-belts, no sleeping, and no camping; guide the individual’s actions in public, toward respecting others. If not followed, they generally do not violate other people's rights. In case of damage to others or property, the person who violated the guide laws, shares the greater burden for causing the damage.
Prohibitory-laws punish those convicted of committing the prohibited act, such as murder, robbery, perjury, and other acts that violate other people’s rights. This constitution automatically authorizes these types of laws as a means of protecting others from unjust actions; so long as done within the confines of The Declaration. This does not authorize general laws that punish the entire population for the criminal actions of an individual.
The Rule of Law, within these united States of America, is government according to The Supreme Law of the Land, as detailed within The 20/20 Founding Charter & Constitution for "The United States of America" and the legislation enacted in accord with this Constitution. Enacted legislation in honorable governments originates by way of the authority of the governed people’s unified voice; which includes The unanimous Declaration — so long as the two-thirds majority of the Total Body of Registered Voters Consent to grant those powers to government.
Any lawful resident, whether temporary, permanent, registered voter, or not; may propose legislation. All legislative votes begin in the First House of the smallest level political jurisdictions, which are the cities, towns, and villages; regardless of the larger political jurisdictions that the proposed legislation intends to govern.
Legislative Power resides with the lawful permanent resident-citizens who are qualified and registered as voters.
Two-thirds majority of the total body of registered voters, who, according to the rules of this Article, collectively enact all legislation. They determine the fair penalty for punishing offenders in order to discourage future violation. They also establish the manner and amount needed to fund implementation.
The reason for the two-thirds consent requirement is to make it difficult for government to acquire power. It should also make it difficult for the people to grant frivolous, fad, or light and transient powers to government.
For public safety, operators are tested before exercising their right to access public roads, railways, airways, and waterways with their vehicle. Also, those who carry arms in public are tested; indicating knowledge of proper use, storage, and weapon maintenance.
For those same reasons of public safety, unity, and honesty in government within these united States of America; citizens are tested before admitting them into a community’s permanent resident-citizen status. A later test and vote determines whether they may register as voters. The purpose for testing by the existing body of voters is to assure that potential new voters are as well-informed as possible, protecting the established resident-citizen body.
As indicated here, “The United States of America", the government, publishes all government documents solely in the united States of America version of the English language.
A person may become temporary resident in a community if they are a lawful united States citizen; or possess a lawful work, student, or visitor visa. They must be able to publicly communicate in the united States version of the English language. If the person cannot publicly communicate in the united States version of the English language, how secure are existing citizen’s rights when new voters do not properly comprehend that for which they vote?
The temporary residency period in delaying voting rights is security for existing resident-citizens. It makes it difficult for new citizen-residents to undermine a community’s customs with their vote while being a short-term resident.
This mostly applies to cities and towns with respect to an element of the Uniform Code of Immigration and Naturalization.
After being three years a temporary resident, the individual may petition local-resident registered voters for permanent residency.
Once the individual passes the test and receives two-thirds or more consenting votes, the individual becomes a permanent resident. This is a public test, with records kept concerning the individual’s knowledge about The 20/20 Founding Charter & Constitution for "The United States of America" and other contracts mentioned in this Constitution. These records are useful when removing a resident from the voter registry for trying to pass laws that violate the contracts listed herein. The three-year delay also allows the registered voters to better assess the character of the individual before accepting them as a permanent resident and potential voter.
When accepted into the Registration of Voters by two-thirds of the total body of existing registered voters; the individual must sign the local copy of The 20/20 Founding Charter & Constitution for "The United States of America", and be sworn in with the nation’s pledge, before they begin voting.
This registration process registers the new voter’s vote in the default voting position of non-consent. If the voter desires some balloted item or candidate pass, --the voter must check in at the polling station to convert their vote to consent to some item or candidate on the ballot.
Any person serving any part of a sentence for which they were duly convicted; as well as any person receiving government benefits, programs, contracts, or bail-outs; must not vote until one year after release from sentence, or off of such government assistance. In this way it encourages the voting body to be as respectful of other’s rights and to not be able to vote to themselves additional benefits out of other people’s pockets.
To cast a Consenting Vote, the voter must show a hard-copy Voter-ID issued by their local community. The Voter-ID contains the voter’s recent photo that is twelve months or newer; with a set of fingerprints.
There is a three-point check-in and check-out at the polling station. The registered voter uses their Voter ID to enter the polling station. The check-in clerk, and then the check-out clerk compare the Voter ID information with the File Information. Finally, a photo of the voter and a fingerprint are take to compare with the card and the file information.
All three potos and prints appear on the clerk's monitor and on a monitor above the clerk for the public to witness or challenge. This is a quality-control check by the people to keep the polling stations as honest as possible.
At check-out, when presenting the ballot for the transparent tumbler, every ballot must contain the same finger digit-print as on the Photo-ID; an additional fingerprint applied at the time the voter deposits the ballot into the tumbler, with a date-time stamped on the ballot. In this way, if someone challenges a specific voter, officials withdraw the ballot until finalizing the challenge. There are no private votes on public matters. This is known because of the nation's pledge to each other; their lives, their fortunes, and their honor.
All votes, by default, are non-consenting until the registered voter casts a consenting ballot to the polling station during the designated polling time. If a registered voter fails to get a vote to the polling station, their vote must be accounted for as having not-consented, --because they did not consent.
Otherwise the candidates and their campaign team circulate petition-ballots to obtain the consent-votes from two-thirds of the total number of registered voters in their jurisdiction. This is by far less costly to the community and demonstrates the candidate’s ability to organize and lead people to accomplish a given task. This also requires that each signature be Notary-Verified against a certified voter-checklist.
All voter registers are 100% purged of every name, every year, right after the last voting for that year, so as to remove the names of all dead people, people who moved out of the district, people serving any part of a sentence who were duly convicted, and people receiving government assistance or participating in any government assistance program. All voters from the purged register —except for the exceptions listed– may re-register without being re-tested. Automatic re-testing occurs on the voter’s tenth-year resident-citizen anniversaries, as well as test those purged from the register who did not re-register within six years.
The First House consists of all lawful residents who are eligible to vote and registered as a voter.
The Consent of the Governed works in this manner: That to secure the peoples' rights, they institute government among themselves. Their governments derive its just powers from the consent from the two-thirds majority of the total body of people registered as voters.
Consent of the governed demands completing the following three elements in the following order:
The proposed government power or the election of a candidate must serve to preserve the rights of all the people equally. If it does not, it must never go to ballot for a vote.
If an individual, while exercising a proposed power, cannot do so without unjustly violating other's rights, the issue should never go to ballot for a vote in order to allow government to violate other people's rights.
Only after successfully passing the tests of Elements §§1 and §§2 just previous, may the proposed power or candidate go on ballot for voting; not that they must, but that they may. In Element §§3, whatever or whomever is on the ballot must attain the consent from at least two-thirds of the total number of registered voters in that political jurisdiction; such as city, town, county, state, nation.
Of those eligible to vote, only those who desire to have their vote counted must register as a voter. Otherwise, persons eligible to vote but do not register as a voter, will not have a vote counted. Citizens possess the right to not participate in voting.
Every registered voter’s, vote; must count as not-consenting or as consenting. Any person who registered as a voter and desires to —not vote; that person must remove their name from the voter register.
Registering as a voter, creates a default non-consenting voter position; until such time the voter gets a ballot to the polling station to consent to some item or candidate on the ballot, or submitting a write-in selection; which must be counted, regardless of how few votes. Otherwise, their vote must, by default, count as having not consented; until they convert it at the polling station to consent.
If the total number of registered voters who consent is less than two-thirds the total number of registered voters, —everything and everyone on the ballot must fail for lack of consent. When the balloted item fails it is not enforceable or the candidate must not take office. This prevents voters from feeling the need to vote for the lesser of evils; which by definition is an act of treason, by adhering to and giving aid and comfort to an enemy. The voter selects a candidate that they consider will destroy the political jurisdiction, —just a little less than the other options.
The minimum votes establishes the minimum quorum required by this Constitution, which is two-thirds the total number of registered voters.
Government officials may only exercise those powers that protect the rights of all the resident-citizens equally. Any individual must also be able to rightly exercise, in the absence of government, any power granted to government. The absence of government can be as small as waiting for police to show up; to as major as government officers who refuse to take constitutional action when needed.
Each larger political jurisdiction’s Second House consists of the total number of immediately junior or smaller political jurisdictions within it. Two-thirds of the Second-House Votes must Consent in order to pass in the Second House of each larger political jurisdiction.
Each lower-level political jurisdiction has one vote in the next-larger jurisdiction’s Second House. The Second-House vote is automatically determined as Consenting or Non-Consenting, based on whether two-thirds or more the total body of registered voters within that lower-level jurisdiction consented to the balloted item, or did not consent.
Simply put; if only fifty–five percent of the total number of registered voters consent to a balloted item or candidate, it must fail for lack of consent; by not attaining the two–thirds required.
All of the following elements must be present in every legislative act.
A Free Society limits legislation to the purpose of preventing one person or group of people from unjustly violating the rights of another person or group. Harm consists only of tangible, personal bodily and or financial harm to person or property. The person harmed must prove to an impartial jury that the claimed damages exist and that the person accused did that damage.
All legislative acts must contain a preamble that identifies what part of this Constitution (or element of The Supreme Law of the Land) authorizes the legislation and how the proposed legislation improves the political jurisdiction governed by the legislation. This will also identify the original jurisdiction.
All legislation that does not specifically state a penalty for punishing violators and does not specify the manner by which to fund its enforcement, it is unenforceable. A range of penalties must not exist. An honest Justice System is not a lottery. The penalty for the same prohibited action must be identical regardless of who commits the offense. An individual convicted of the same type of crime, after a prior conviction for that type of crime may receive a harsher penalty, which also must be detailed within that law. The law must specify the penalty for a repeat offense against the same law; such as: murder equals murder: however self-defense Does Not Equal murder: and robbery Does Not Equal murder; etc.
All proposed legislation must contain only one clearly defined issue, which is the title for that legislation.
All proposed legislation must be worded in such a manner that a —Yes– or Consenting-Vote favors the proposed legislation.
All proposed legislation must contain a fixed date, less than 12 months, by which the proposal passes, or it dies for lack of consent. It must also include a specific date for automatic review for re-instating it. If not re-enacted by the deadline, it must automatically fail. If not re-enacted prior to the expiration date it dies as if actively repealed.
The signature-Ballot is circulated to attain signatures. It must get at least two-thirds of the total number of registered voters to sign the ballot, --consenting to the item or candidate listed.
The Signature-Votes must be verified against a certified voter registration list by a notary, who verifies the required voter identification criteria.
The balloted item or candidate takes effect immediately upon verification of receiving at least two-thirds consenting signatures.
As opposed to polling stations; at the national level, signing events may be scheduled for a period not to exceed twelve months.
If the Signature Ballot is unable to attain the required consenting signatures within that twelve months, it fails automatically for lack of consent.
Smaller political jurisdictions, may, within their respective constitutions, reduce the amount of time a signature ballot may remain open; but may not exceed twelve months.
To advance legislation into progressively larger political jurisdictions; when passed within each smaller level jurisdiction; it must be worded identically, including the penalty and manner of funding, as well as other criteria listed above.
To prevent failed legislation from being resubmitted too frequently; it may not be resubmitted for at least two years after its last failure. Simply rewording the content, does not qualify as a different proposal.
As for legislation enacted or candidates elected in only one town, only the people of that town must fund and enforce it. The same applies for counties, states, and nations. No other political jurisdiction's funds may go to that of another political jurisdiction; unless the people of that other jurisdiction specifically grant their consent to participate.
The Two-House System prevents the larger population centers from control the generally, more numerous, smaller ones. It also prevents the more-numerous smaller population centers from controlling the fewer but larger population centers. This two/thirds rule slows the process by which government attains power.
The news media as a Public Trust, are supposed to be impartial; reporting the unbiased truth of an issue. Each publication or broadcasting business independently determines the space and or time allotments within their respective coverage area and media format. Whatever that organization decides for themselves, they must provide equal time and or space for every candidate running for the same office during the same election. This also requires equal time and or space for both sides of legislative proposals.
To maintain the freedom of the press, the respective media owners may choose to provide no media time or space at all for any political purpose or vote. However, if they provide media for one side of the argument or for one candidate where there is more than one in the race, —that media outlet must provide equal time and or space for the other candidates or sides of the question who present their candidacy or differing position on an issue.
The political jurisdiction holding the General Election sponsors question-and-answer forums and debates, which must include all registered candidates willing to participate. Candidates not participating in the forum disqualify themselves from being listed on the ballot in that election cycle. Voters may write-in any candidate’s name not listed on the ballot.
These forums prohibit all candidates, including write-in candidates, from buying advertising; thus making the media coverage more impartial as well.
The largest political jurisdiction holding the election must organize and fund the forum. They must provide round trip transportation for each candidate to get from their resident city hall office to the location where the forums take place.
The jurisdiction sponsoring the debate solicits questions from the people within the political jurisdiction that the office covers. The moderator organizes the questions according to topic, asking the questions that best solicits the information.
During each forum, the moderator allows equal time for each candidate to respond. Time allotment may differ from question to question.
Candidates, who are situated in sound-proof cubicles, do not hear responses from other candidates until after moderator asks all the questions in this forum’s first half. Candidates, in the forum’s second half, may challenge and debate other candidates on specific topics. The moderator also times these debates according to the time agreed to by the candidates prior to each debate.
Each phase runs until complete, in marathon fashion, with a ten minute break every hour.
All question-and-answer sessions and debates are video and audio recorded for broadcasting. They are also transcribed for print publication, braille, international mores code, and international sign language.
The recorded audio video footage and transcripts from the question and answer forums and debates, in their entirety, must be commercially available for sale to the public. A number of copies are to be made available to public libraries.
The proceeds from selling copies of the recorded forums and debates, revenue from advertisers during the recording breaks, as well as a percentage broadcasting and publishing ads, help fund the forums. Advertisers are chosen by lottery from those interested in advertising.
Where more than one person is needed to fill an office, so that there is a leader in that office, a ranked replacement system includes the number of ranking positions. The candidate receiving two-thirds of the #1 ranking is the head of that office. Each successive ranking (#2, #3, etc.) fills the respective replacement in that order.
Should this election process encourage an unusually large number of candidates, several elimination- and or ranked-voting rounds must occur.
Sixty days after each round of question and answer debate forum, an elimination vote takes place. The twenty-five percent of candidates receiving the highest vote-count advance to the next round. The election process continues until one candidate (or the required number of candidates) to fill the vacant seats acquires two-thirds or more votes of the total body of registered voter's consent.
A voter, who truly does not want any of the balloted candidates in office, simply does not submit a ballot or marks the balance of ranked votes as none. When the none and or number of un-submitted ballots is the majority, the registered voters must seek out a suitable candidate or leave the office vacant.
For General Election Voting: All polling stations within the same political jurisdiction that span only one time zone must open and close at the same time so that they remain open during the same twenty-four hour period.
For political jurisdictions that include multiple time zones; all polling stations must open according to the hour of the earliest time zone and must close according to the hour of the latest time zone. In this way all polling stations remain open the same twenty-four hours plus one hour for each added time zone.
An alternative would be to have the signing ballot set up in the local government office throughout a seven-day period for people to sign —if they desire to consent. At the end of the deadline, if it has not received the required consenting votes from the total number of registered voters, —it fails for lack of consent.
Briefly introduced earlier, the Signature-Ballot works best with Recall-Elections and Legislative proposals. It keeps the cost of voting minimized to the person or party seeking to recall a particular government official and or government act. This requires the party initiating the Recall or initiating the legislative proposal to get the required two-thirds majority of the total number of registered voter's consenting signatures verified.
The Tally Sheet is concerned with three primary elements of voting;
• Total Number of Registered Voters.
• Only the Total Number of Consenting Votes.
• Did Two-Thirds or more of the Total Number of Registered Voters Consent.
For General and Recall Elections: Early broadcasting or publishing of the actual, exit poll predictions, the numbers or percentages of party voters, or predicted or actual voting results in any form until twenty-four hours after the polls officially close is a felony and Breach of this Constitution. It is considered an attempt to manipulate the results of the polling process.
All legislative votes begin in the First House with the people in the smallest-level political jurisdictions; cities, towns, villages, etc.; regardless of the level of political jurisdiction that the proposed legislation might eventually govern.
Proposed legislation passes in the First House of the smallest-level political jurisdiction when two-thirds or more of the total number of registered voters, vote —Yes– Consenting on the proposal.
The Second House Vote for each city, town, or village is automatically —Yes; Consenting– when two-thirds or more of the total number of registered voters of the First House approve the proposed legislation. Otherwise, the Second-House vote is —No; Not-Consenting.
The First House tally-sheet and Second House vote tallies from each lower level political jurisdiction must accompany a copy of each legislative proposal, whether it passes or fails. The lower level jurisdiction transmits this package to the next-larger level political jurisdiction.
Each next-larger level jurisdiction’s executive office accumulates, tracks, coordinates, and adds the votes regarding lower-level legislations. Based on the actual vote-count, determines whether that legislation passes in the larger political jurisdiction, according to the rules of this Constitution.
Each political jurisdiction keeps a copy of the legislative package and vote tallies for their records as they send the package to the next-larger political jurisdiction.
When the proposed legislation passes in both Houses of the next-larger political jurisdiction, the larger jurisdiction sends the legislative copies to all lower levels to inform them that the legislation now affects that entire larger-level political jurisdiction, including those that may not have considered the legislation.
This legislative process advances into each progressively larger political jurisdiction as detailed above. If the legislation remains unchanged as it advances into each larger jurisdiction, the smaller jurisdiction’s people need not vote on the issue with each advance. If the legislation changes, the smaller jurisdictions must vote on those changes if it has not already passed in both Houses of the larger political jurisdiction.
In order to enact proposed legislation to a specific political jurisdiction, both Houses of that jurisdiction must attain two-thirds or more —Yes; Consenting– votes. Without the required two-thirds majority, the proposal fails and it is not enforceable in the lower-level political jurisdictions that passed it; unless the lower levels enact the proposed legislation with a stipulation to allow its enforcement, even if it failed to pass in the larger jurisdiction.
To enact legislation to a specific level political jurisdiction, the proposed legislation must state a specific date by which to enact the proposal. If not enacted by that set date, it automatically fails. If political jurisdictions are added or removed while a vote is in progress —those changes in jurisdiction numbers must be included in the calculations, just as adding and removing registered voters alters the calculation in the First House.
This process does not guarantee or require that every registered voter approve the proposed legislation. It promotes the greatest participation by the people to improve each proposal before it advances into each larger political jurisdiction. This process eliminates the rule of the few over the many, or where indirect legislative representatives migrate toward refusing to represent their respective constituents and lean more towards personal gain.
This process allows free citizens, united in a political union to withdraw their vote, if done so prior to the final calculation and ratification of the balloted item or candidate. Thus the need for identification on each ballot. If people learn critical contrary information, not available prior to voting; it allows them to change their vote before the final count.
For every election, run-off elimination or ranked voting, a single ballot issues, listing every candidate on the ballot who registered for the office. Candidate names appear on the ballot in random orders so that each candidate appears in different parts of the ballot as equally as practical.
Ballots must not contain any political party affiliation, officer's prior or current titles, or any other identification for any candidate, other than their Last, then First names.
The Governed People via two-thirds of the total body of registered voters directly elect the executive and judicial officers for their respective political jurisdictions via the Two-House System.
In addition to receiving more votes than any other candidate during the same election for the same office, the candidate who takes office must also receive two-thirds or more consenting votes from the total number of registered voters from within that political jurisdiction. This means that the successful candidate must receive more votes than the combined total of the registered voters who did not cast a consenting ballot for that office. In this manner, the people are not obligated to —Vote For– the lesser of evils.
If no candidate receives two-thirds or more consenting votes from the total number of registered voters, the executive officer must order a new election. The new ballot lists all new candidates; excluding the candidate names printed on the original ballot, but may include write-in candidates who accept a nomination.
The elected officials, within their branch and political jurisdiction work together to successfully carry out the duties approved by law while also working on the plans and promises they proposed when campaigning.
Voters approve candidate promises up to the point that those proposals do not conflict with this Constitution or already-enacted legislation made in pursuance of this constitution. Such voter approval allows officials to develop plans concerning the amount and manner for funding and implementation of the promised projects; all of which requires additional legislative approval before implementation.
Standard Term Limits for Executive and Judicial Officers, are one, eight-year term in any ten consecutive years, with a person serving in the same office no longer than twenty-four years in the same political jurisdiction. Ideally, but not required, the people might promote, via election, their best-qualified leaders from within the smaller political jurisdictions into the larger political jurisdictions in both the executive and judicial offices. If an elected person becomes corrupted against this Constitution, the people should remove that politician by way of a Recall Signature-Ballot. Recalls may occur at any time the people consider that government officer needs to be removed —before the end of the contracted term.
There are no retirement benefits once the person leaves office from any occupation of government, with the exception for the Active-Duty military services, so long as they honorably served the nation's people in combat during an active, constitutionally declared defensive war. These benefits are limited to all medical needs that resulted from active war-time military service, in addition to receiving up to 50% of their base pay for the rest of their life. The war-time veteran's who die in combat, their immediate family; spouse and or children; must receive, for a period of up to 20 years, 50% of the veteran's base pay.
At least three generations should separate other family members who served in the same political office, jurisdiction, and government level that the candidate seeks. This reduces the ease by which political office and power become family heirlooms. The two-thirds vote requirement also helps reduce the likelihood of political offices and power becoming family heirlooms.
Upon election, executive and judicial officers obtain the lawful authority to act on the people’s behalf within their respective political jurisdictions, —but only so far as the respective Constitutions and constitutionally enacted legislation permits.
An election does not automatically grant authority for an official to enforce or otherwise complete campaign promises that conflict with this Constitution or other enacted legislative authority.
Without constitutional authority for their actions; elected officials risk being recalled and or prosecuted for treason. The people may grant or revoke any political powers via their Sovereign Authority through legislative actions, which become effective and part of this constitution as detailed in Repeal & Amendments. This alters the powers of any official in office at the time of enactment.
The only voter-mandate that exists from the people to any government official comes by way of the lawful amendment process detailed in this Article. Just because a candidate receives the consenting votes from two-thirds or more of the total number of registered voters to take office, this does not authorize the candidate, when elected, to work on any project that violates this constitution.
The executive or judicial officers of the affected political jurisdiction may call an emergency legislative session for situations in cases where existing legislation does not already grant to them the required authority to resolve those situations that the Executive or the Judicial Officer claims is an emergency. If a politician abuses this Emergencies clause, the people reserve the right to remove that politician from office, and or to nullify unjust acts, resolutions, decisions, contracts, etc. initiated by those politicians. In the same manner; any government officer, employee, volunteer, contractor, or others working on behalf of a government officer or agency can be removed from office for violating this constitution —before the end of their term.
The simple majority vote of the total body of registered voters holds the sole power to impeach and recall government officials, whether the official is elected, hired, appointed, under contract, or in any other manner works in or for government. The simple majority proposal is intended to make it easier to undo unjust government when it happens.
Recall-Signature-Ballots must state, in less than 200 words, the causes for the impeachment or recall, as well as the remedy sought. This ballot is circulated among the body of registered voters to acquire their consenting voting-signature, which must be clearly stated that what they sign is a Signature-Ballot and that it must acquire a simple majority of consenting-signatures from the total body of registered voters before the ballot becomes lawfully enforceable. Signature-Ballot signatures must be verified by way of the Two-Step process that includes:
The voter registration checklist must be verified by the Clerk of Voter Registration as being complete and accurate as of the date delivered.
The Impeachment or Recall Ballot, in addition to the 200-word cause for removal, must also provide 200-word rebuttal space from the official subject to the recall. The official will state the reasons for their actions and why they feel they should not be recalled. This is not required, especially if the government officer refuses; but refusal must be noted.
The recall and impeachment vote must acquire a simple majority of consenting votes of the total number of registered voters in order to be enforced.
The same election process, with debates between the candidates named in the Recall Ballot and the government official subject to impeachment or recall, shall take place no later than when consenting signatures reach twenty-five percent of the total number of registered voters.
Repealing or restricting government powers within this Constitution do not become effective until after reaching two-thirds consenting-votes of both Houses within this nation. Otherwise, amending this Constitution to grant powers must attain three-fourths of both houses to consent, as detailed in earlier sections.
The registered voters in the respective political jurisdictions, to which any enacted legislation has attained, will approve taxation in both the budgeted amounts and the manner collected; which are required as part of the legislative process. The body of registered voters will determine the wages and benefits for their respective elected officials and the pay range for other government employees of the same political jurisdiction.
The legislative body may grant pardons, and all other duties as legislators of right may do according to the rules of this Founding Charter & Constitution. Pardons must attain consenting votes from three-quarters of the Total Number of Registered Voters in the respective political jurisdiction to grant the Pardon.
All citizens collectively risk their lives, fortunes, and or honor in wartime. The governed and registered to vote Citizens of the political jurisdiction must be the ones who decide what wars to join, or continue defending, so long as to not violate the powers honorably granted to a larger political jurisdiction.
The Executive Officers automatically possess power to defend their respective political jurisdictions against any defined enemy; —foreign or domestic. In cases where cyber-attacks occur; the government has duty to investigate, as with any other types of attack, to discover the source of attack; whether it be an individual, organization, or government. No wars against things like drugs, illiteracy, poverty, etc.
In order to engage in a war that defends people of other countries, when not under actual attack, requires two-thirds of the total number of registered voter's consent; unless a specific level of assistance is authorized beforehand by way of a constitutional Treaty Agreement.
The people of the cities, towns, villages, and upward, become aware of legislation as it happens, because it works its way up from smaller jurisdictions into the larger. This legislative system employs far fewer people in government offices and agencies by abolishing the elected legislative branch in all political jurisdictions. It nearly eliminates the entire cost of legislative staff and most of the operating expenses while also abolishing most of the wasteful political spending.
This single step redirects trillions of otherwise wasted tax dollars by the nation’s government into worthy projects and programs. It also allows taxpayers to retain a greater percentage of their financial reserves..
Legislation must be written for the people to easily and properly comprehend without the need for legal translators or specialized dictionaries. Therefore all words defined in any law must be in accord with the Common-Use definitions that existed as close to and just prior to the dates being submitted for vote, unless otherwise defined in this constitution.
This legislative system reduces court overload from people who violate laws that they either do not know about or do not comprehend. For words not specifically defined in this Constitution, a common-use dictionary of the time prior to being submitted for vote must be used to define those terms within.
Where this Constitution defines specific terms, those definitions must apply to all legislation and government offices at all government levels to maintain consistency throughout government offices and society generally.
Legislation slowly advances into larger political jurisdictions. It allows for improvements to occur in the lower levels where it is relatively inexpensive to implement and test those improvements.
The requirement for attaining two-thirds or more of the total number of registered votes prevents smaller groups within a political jurisdiction from passing special-interest legislation behind closed doors. It requires the greatest degree of publicity and voter participation and consent before proposed legislation or a candidate becomes official.
For General Elections: There must be at least four Voting Holidays set aside as local and national holidays, one for each quarter of the year. These days replace four other national and or local holidays; be they political and or religious. See also the alternate to this; where the party initiating a balloted item, candidate, or recall; then circulates Signature-Ballots to attain the required two-thirds consenting votes.
Minimum Qualifications for the Elected Executive offices for "The United States of America"; the candidate must be thirty-five years old; a lawful citizen of any of the united States of America for at least the fourteen consecutive years immediately prior to the election, and must possess a working knowledge of The 20/20 Founding Charter & Constitution for "The United States of America".
No candidate may have multiple citizenship or loyalties with any foreign countries or cultures, which prohibits hyphenated Americans; such as but not limited to; any foreign country- or culture- hyphenated—American. Either the individual is loyal to these united States of America, or not. In times of war, even allies part ways and war against each other. This, in no way prohibits a person from enjoying any cultural heritage, so long as it does not violate any laws made in pursuance to this 20/20 Founding Charter & Constitution. This is designed to prevent elected Officers from holding loyalties to those heritages that may influence actions contrary to this Constitution.
When registering as a candidate for office, the candidate must prove their qualification for the office. Most importantly that what they promise to complete while in office, this Constitution authorizes those activities.
Proof of qualification is limited only to what this Constitution requires. That proof must be available for public inspection from the time the person registers as a candidate for the office. The candidate must provide an official copy of their certificate of live birth, and or naturalization papers; as this relates to age and citizenship. The successful candidate must also pass the required tests relating to this Constitution and contracts named herein. This ensures the people that the candidate fully comprehends those contracts and the duties of their office. The Constitution-Testing must be the same for every elected, hired and appointed government office, agency, or department concerning the duties of their respective offices.
Without regard to social-economic class and to ensure social stability, the executive officers, without bias, must impartially enforce all laws made in pursuance to this constitution, and work to put into effect approved programs, and complete approved projects that do not conflict with this Constitution. Where conflict occurs, the Executive officer must consult with the Judicial Branch via the Grand Jury system. If the Grand Jury finds that conflict exists, they must recommend to the Legislative Branch such amendments or repeal as they consider appropriate. The legislation in question is not enforceable until such time the Legislative Branch amends, repeals, or clarifies the content.
Executive officers possess no legislative powers. Executive Orders do not possess the power of law to influence the citizen actions or to punish a person where no constitutionally passed legislation exists on that topic.
Executive Orders apply only to members of the Executive Branch with respect to how it will enforce the laws and support this 20/20 Founding Charter & Constitution, as well as how it will hold law enforcement officers accountable for violating rights when gathering evidence or violating other constitutional laws.
Constitutional Executive Orders must work to fulfill some element of The Supreme Law of the Land; otherwise they are considered unconstitutional and are cause for removal from office.
The executive title for "The United States of America", the government; is President of "The United States of America". President of the government. The President of "The United States of America" is not the leader of the nation. The people, in accord with The Declaration and This Constitution, are the nation's leader. The President of "The United States of America" is the head of government and represents the nation to foreign countries.
The Executive Office helps protect the people’s rights against unjust infringement, whether by individuals or other political forces, —foreign or domestic. If domestic, whether at the national level or in any of the smaller political jurisdictions within. The president also maintains good standing with other political jurisdictions within these united States of America, as well as with foreign political jurisdictions.
Note on the Presidential Electoral System: The President of "The United States of America", was the only nationally elected office of government. Under this Constitution; this now includes the Nation's supreme Court Judges. No person who was, or is a lawyer should be a judge, for reasons of conflict of interest. The two-house election process, being uniform throughout all states, for these nationally-elected offices will seat the President and supreme Court Judges. This eliminates favored-states that have a large percent of electoral votes that go all-or-nothing.
The First House is what is known as the Popular Vote. The candidate with the two-thirds majority of the total number of registered voters' consenting votes —wins the popular vote. This vote automatically decides which candidate receives the Second-House Vote in that County; as many residents do not live within a specific city's or town's incorporated boundaries. This vote may go to none of the candidates if none of them get that majority.
The Second House is the Electoral Vote. The County-Lines replace the Congressional Districts because there are no more elected legislative offices. Each County has only one electoral vote. The candidate receiving two-thirds of the popular vote within that County wins the one electoral vote for that County. Winning two-thirds of the total number of Counties Electoral Votes nationwide, wins the Second-House vote; thus winning the Election. Larger counties that have more and two million citizen-residents may, as equally along city and town lines divide the population in half, with as close to equal number in each half. The people of the state deciding on the exact dividing line.
This system requires that all candidates campaign in nearly all Counties in order to win the Second House votes. The purpose of which is to inform the most voters as to the benefits and qualifications to get the required two-thirds majority of the total number of registered voter's consent.
With a Ranked-Voting System, four Presidential Candidates are ranked by voters: The Presidential Candidate who gets two-thirds or more #1 ranking votes is the President of "The United States of America". The Presidential Candidates respectively who receives the two-thirds or more #2, #3, and #4 rankings are the line of succession who take over the Presidency upon the President's death, inability to perform duties of office, or removal from office by the people for constitutional violations. As the assistant to the President, the Vice Presidents must be informed of all the political jurisdiction's matters in order to continue the duties of the Presidential office, uninterrupted.
Judicial officers; which include, judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys, and jurors; must be at least thirty-five years old and lived in these united States of America at least fourteen consecutive years just prior to the election.
Prosecution and defense hired by the victims and or the defendants may be of any choosing of the respective party, regardless of other qualifications and must be allowed to work alongside the elected counterpart officer in government, with the victim or defendant choosing their respective lead Council.
Prior to setting the trial date, the Judicial Officer must send notice to each of the larger political jurisdictions; county, state, federal courts, etc.; so that they may sit in on and take part in any trial.
The trial date must be set at the earliest convenience of the defense; the same day if requested; —but no later than three days after the ticket or arrest is made; if no earlier date is requested. When ticketed and or arrested, the government admits they possess enough evidence to get a lawful conviction and that they are, in fact, ready for trial.
Each Jury is no more than eighteen members from among the people within these united States. No Jury member is required to be a resident of the area or even citizens of one of the states or of the nation. They are simply required to be impartial. The government officers must not select more than half of the entire jury pool from which the final Jury is pulled. Such a system where the government selects all of the jury–pool is not an impartial system.
The defendant may choose to throw darts or draw names at random from people in the community, or use some other method.
The jury-pool must be considered as impartial to both parties as practical; selected from the people as randomly as probable.
Such a system requires that the opposing parties first try the law based on the nation's founding documents, which are presently combined into this 20/20 Founding Charter & Constitution for "The United States of America". If the law in question violates this Constitution, the accused must be set free without a trial because they committed no crime. This stage of the trial process must strongly recommend to the appropriate legislative jurisdiction to repeal the unconstitutional law, and to set free all other people presently incarcerated for that accusation.
If the law is found to support, or made in pursuance to this Constitution, only then do the facts get tried. This is where the evidence either proves that the person in question did or did not violate that law.
People who may not be familiar with this nation's documents must be informed about them; at the very least, just prior to the start of the trial, in opening statements.
Both Parties; prosecution and defense; must, together and at the same time, in a public place, select eighteen jurors as randomly as practical from the body of people within that political jurisdiction at that time. Those eighteen potential jurors must draw twelve names from a hat to determine which will serve as the primary jury and which as the replacement jurors.
All eighteen jurors must sit through the entire trial until discharged by the court. They may participate in the jury discussions, but will have no vote until a regular member is removed for cause. In addition to legislatively approved compensation, all those serving jury duty, for any length of time, must receive waivers from the court. The waiver extends the juror's bills a minimum of one month; extended one month at a time for longer trials. The purpose for the waiver is to postpone payments without penalty or added interest, and without negative mention on any credit report.
Employers must not adversely affect the juror’s wages or work status because of jury service. Any entity, to whom money is owed during this time, is also included.
In both criminal and non-criminal cases, the jury must have twelve members who decide the verdict. Juries must hear only one case at a time, through to the final verdict. Jurors will be transported to and from the trial to the hotel by the Sheriff’s Department if the trial is longer than one day.
The defendant must be asked to take the stand. Once there, the court; judge, prosecutor, and defense; must inform the defendant of their right to not give testimony that might convict themselves. That if they choose to answer any question, it does not obligate them to answer any other questions. Defense Counsel may and should advise their client regarding each question as to whether it could be construed as self-incriminating. Defense Counsel should be alongside their client during questioning, in order to provide off the record, confidential side-bars, to advise their defendant on each question.
Jurors must be the type of person that they would like sitting in the Jury Box if they were accused of a crime that they claim they did not commit. These same Jurors also must be the type of juror they would like sitting in the Jury Box if they were the victim.
Each juror lives with the verdict they decide. Therefore, each juror must carefully balance those two positions. Victims can be mistaken, just as investigators have accused innocent people.
A juror's task is never as easy as the evidence or lack thereof might indicate. The juror first must decide if a crime was in fact committed. This means that the jury must Try The Law First, deciding if the law in question violates any of the applicable constitutions, —especially this 20/20 Founding Charter & Constitution for "The United States of America". Then, the jurors Try The Facts, deciding whether the accused person is the one who actually committed the crime.
Juries do not possess the power to nullify laws. They have the power to recommend to the Respective Legislative Body that a law be created, amended, or repealed, —but they cannot nullify the law. Jury Nullification destroys the Rule of Law by allowing a small portion of society to exercise personal biases in the legislative process. The jury may also request that a Grand Jury be convened to see if the Legislative Branch members need to be investigated and or tried for Constitutional Violations; either for passing the unconstitutional law or for not repealing it.
As a juror, each has the duty to ask questions during the trial to clarify evidence and or testimony, take notes, review evidence and testimony, and to call or recall witnesses as needed.
During Jury-selection, the only questions to be asked a potential juror are:
Are you able to read, write, and otherwise communicate in the united States American-English language? Tests are appropriate.
Do you have personal knowledge about the crime committed? If so, this person should be among the witnesses.
What is your association with the defendant and the other members of the court; judge, prosecutor, defense attorney, accused, victim? Looking for biases, which allows other related questions.
Judges, who shall not have been employed as lawyers, oversee all criminal and non-criminal cases to maintain order in the courtroom. An impartial Jury must determine the verdict in every case. The Jury must decide what evidence is admissible or not —based on the arguments from the opposing parties. Any person in the courtroom may offer information for a Jury to consider.
The courts must not legislate in any manner whatsoever. This also prohibits using court precedent; that of prior court decisions; to determine a present case. This also prohibits using Judicial Review, which is an unjust court power to establish the meaning of a constitutions content, which unconstitutionally amends the constitution; a power not granted to the courts.
Only a panel of Jurors decide the guilt or culpability in every criminal, and every non-criminal case, based on that case’s own merits; regardless of the severity of accusation or the penalty in question.
Without regard as to social-economic class and to ensure social stability, juries must impartially and without bias decide each case based on the evidence and testimony presented. The Judge must, impartially and without bias, carry out the sentence according to the Rule of Law, as the mandatory penalty must be stated within the law that the person is accused of violating. Without that penalty stated within the law, for violating that law, no crime was committed.
In all criminal cases, the defense council, judges and prosecutors must, in accord with general practices, as best as they can, make sure that the accused person knows their rights and the limited powers granted to the government regarding those rights. It is not the government's duty to tell citizens what rights they possess. It is the citizens duty to remind the government of it limited constitutionally granted powers.
The accused person’s rights must remain free of government violations, while also assuring that the victim’s rights are also equally protected.
In non-criminal and criminal cases, in open court, the prosecution and defense attorneys must assist the judge in ensuring that the opposing parties comprehend the laws pertaining to their case. This process does not prohibit any party from obtaining independent advisors, which do not have to be a lawyer —in either criminal or non-criminal cases.
Each larger-level judicial jurisdiction is the appellate court for the next-smaller level judicial jurisdiction. Each court retains original jurisdiction for trying The Law and The Facts for all cases resulting from issues and legislation elevated to their jurisdiction.
In both criminal and non-criminal cases, the accused or the defendant must be considered innocent until proven guilty or culpable and decided as such by an impartial jury.
Except in cases where juries decide that the case is frivolous, all court costs, in all cases, criminal and non-criminal, regardless of guilt, culpability, or not; as well as regardless of which party initiates the case, must be paid by the governed people from the jurisdiction's Judicial Fund where the trial occurs. This provides to those lacking the financial means with the ability to seek justice via the courts.
Every jury has the duty to decide whether a case is frivolous or not. If a jury decides a case is frivolous, the jury may charge predetermined and published court costs to a particular party, whether that party is the legislative branch for passing the law or not repealing unconstitutional laws, the police for enforcing unconstitutional laws, the judge, prosecuting counsel, and defense attorney for not informing the parties of it being unconstitutional & frivolous; as well as the plaintiffs, and or the defendants who did not contest the case as frivolous. The court cost must be served in jail or community service at a rate per day of one-fourth the national base minimum wage for gratuity-based service-employees; not including allowances for gratuities.
Where a specific type of crime increases, the jury may recommend to the Legislative Branch that they increase the penalty where the crime in question violates other people’s rights. Otherwise, the jury may recommend amending or repealing the law if the criminal accusation resulted from the acts between consenting adults or if the actions do not harm others or their property; which, ordinarily would qualify as unconstitutional laws.
Jury recommendations, for altering or repealing current laws, do not alter any case prior to the possible legislative changes. When the people, through their legislative duties, repeal or amend a law, they free all the people incarcerated for that offense from serving any more time associated with that act. It does not alter any other sentences for other convicted actions.
Any law that makes an act unlawful, that was previously not prohibited, must not be enforceable on any person who committed the act before the new law was enacted.
The security of Free People depends upon them knowing what their employees in government do and that those Free People are easily able to access that information about government activity. In this way, the Free People are better informed about which government acts, decisions, rulings, orders, contracts, and personnel must be removed from government —For Cause.
All Government Meetings, records, acts, and judicial proceedings; in all branches and all government levels under this Constitution, must be open and available to any governed citizen and to the press. Fees may be charged for reproducing the requested records. No fee shall be higher than that charged by a commercial entity for the same type of reproduction service in that area.
Secrecy in government breeds corruption, contempt, and distrust. There must be no exceptions. During times of war, the President and or military leaders may request that the media and others not publicize specific information until after the fact, so as to protect the military strategy. This requires building a mutual trust and respect between the public, the government, and the media.
The media, if they consider it justifiable; in that it clearly violates The 20/20 Founding Charter & Constitution for "The United States of America", may publish the information; and hopefully not merely to be first with the information or for purely profit oriented purposes. If time allows, and there is serious dispute, the contesting parties will take the issue to trial for jury decision, hopefully before releasing the information. Otherwise, those releasing the information may be held accountable for their actions.
The citizens of each jurisdiction under this Constitution are free to enjoy all rights and immunities common to all citizens within the united States of America —because their list of rights and immunities are identical.
A duly-convicted person, fleeing one jurisdiction into another, must be subject to return on demand by the executive officer of the jurisdiction from where the person fled.
This Constitution guarantees to the citizens a Direct Bicameral Legislative Democracy, with a Representative Republic Form of Government as detailed within this Constitution.
Successful bills and or candidates must attain at least two-thirds the majority of their respective total body of registered voters consent; or fail for lack of consent. Because of what our representatives did under The Articles of Confederation, as it relates to our nation's debt, and what our representatives have done under The Constitution for the United States of America, —this Article makes it clear that any government person who subjects the people to any debt that The Constitution for the United States of America has not specifically authorized, —those government people who authorized the debt, approve the debt, and or did not actively work to repeal that unconstitutional debt become personally liable for settling that debt. Such debt must not belong to the people who have not, via The Constitution for the United States of America, authorized such debt. This same rule applies to all future debt incurred on behalf of the people, which this, The 20/20 Founding Charter & Constitution for "The United States of America" has not specifically authorized.
Treaties, debts, contracts, engagements, obligations, or trade agreements, and such, entered into by the representatives prior to this Constitution, where those representatives properly presented to the governed people; as required by The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America", 1776, via this grievance: "For imposing taxes on us without our consent"; and which obtains the authority of those governed and or where Constitutional authority existed, these debts must be honored under this Constitution.
Where the debt obligations entered into by the representatives prior to this Constitution were not properly presented to the people to obtain their consent, and or where no Constitutional authority existed, those representatives who consented to that debt and those who did not repeal that debt while in office are personally liable for repaying that debt. Under this Constitution, on a case-by-case basis, the people may, after-the-fact authorize those acts or debts; or to bring any living representative to trial for violating their oath of office and or for treason under the terms of the prior constitution.
Although stated in different ways throughout this constitution; it must be repeated again —here. If this constitution does not grant a specific power to government, it is an act of tyranny and or treason to exercise that prohibited power. All this means is that all powers are prohibited to government unless specifically granted by this constitution.
The relationship between powers of government and the rights of the people regarding the various political jurisdictions must follow this principle: When Government Powers and the Rights of the People conflict or are not clear; benefit must go to the rights of the people, —unless this constitution grants to government limited power to infringe upon that right.
The people are responsible for enforcing this constitutional Law upon their respective government officers.
Religious institutions, cults, or charitable organizations must not receive any special political consideration than those allowed for any other business. No tax exemptions, etc.
Free exercise of religion does not permit breaking constitutional laws or violating other's rights in a religion’s name or any god’s name; nor does this exempt any religion, cult, or charitable organization or member thereof from paying any taxes according to the same rules that apply to other business or other individuals.
No laws or other government actions may abridge the freedom of speech, press, or the people’s right to assemble peaceably; or to petition for a redress of grievances by circulating Signature-Ballots to alter their government’s powers or forms of government. This does not allow riotous assembling that exercise threats and violence, blocking lawful business activity. This also prohibits other associated violent actions. This also does not allow for gathering in places that interfere with public travel; such as, blocking sidewalks, doorways, driveways, or streets, etc. Doing so, unjustly Violates other people's rights, which is a crime.
Speaking, printing, or broadcasting threats of violence, libel or slander violates other people’s rights. The person harmed is responsible for seeking restitution via the courts.
The line separating harassment from freedom of speech must settle conflicts between one person’s right to speak, with an other’s right to not hear or be physically harmed because of that speech. Harm from words usually comes from others who act on those words as if those words are true. This makes both the speaker and the actor accountable for their respective parts. The actor, based on the speech of others, suffers the harsher of penalties, —as they alone are responsible for their actions. The actor may sue he speaker for damages they incur because they acted on that speech, thus making speakers more accountable and cautious of what they say.
Common courtesy, the volume of the exchange, the venue where the exchange occurs, and whether the words target a specific person or are merely overheard by one person from other's conversations, among other factors, helps clarify the difference.
Communities may rightly set noise, odor, vibration, bright lights, and such laws for their general peace of mind. Posting such limits at each major entrance; be it sidewalk, street etc.; to the community is required.
From the first constitution, The Articles of Confederation, Article 6, Clause 4, it states: "but every state shall always keep up a well regulated and disciplined militia, sufficiently armed and accoutred, and shall provide and constantly have ready for use, in public stores, a due number of field pieces and tents, and a proper quantity of arms, ammunition, and camp equipage." Emphasis Added
From the second constitution, The Constitution of the United States of America, Article 1, Section 8, Clause 16, it states that Congress shall have the power: "To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the service of he United States of America..." To this, we include content from Amendment 2, which states: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Emphasis Added
Note the difference between the two constitutions. Under The Articles of Confederation, it was individual States that trained, armed, and stored those militia arms in a public store. With The Constitution of the United States of America, two things changed. First: Congress now organizes, trains, and arms the militia. Then: Amendment 2 changes the place where those militia arms may be stored. Amendment 2 declares that the people-generally, as opposed to the State government, militia, or standing army may keep and bear those arms.
The individual’s right to keep and bear arms must not be infringed by any government office or officer for any reason, —except when the individual uses an arms to Unjustly violate other people's rights. The penalty must apply against only the individual who unjustly violates another person's rights. This prohibits government from passing general laws to restrict society's rights because of those who abuse certain rights.
As with all other rights, when a convicted person pays their debt in full, according to the law —that person's rights must be fully and automatically reinstated in accord with this Constitution.
The punishment for criminal activity that uses a weapon or threat of a weapon must be three-times that as if the same crime was committed without a weapon or threat of a weapon. During the same criminal act, harming more than one person, each person harmed constitutes a separate offense within the same event.
Defending self, family, others, and property when proven, is not a crime.
Requiring a person to pass weapons-safety classes from a reputable commercial or government entity that teaches the proper way to carry, use, care, and maintenance of the specific item purchased are not an infringement on the right to bear any arms; as seen in the The Constitution of the united States of America, Article 1, Clause 16, which empowers Congress to properly train the militia; —but a requirement to do so does not extend to simply owning or possessing the weapon. Much the same way the owner of a vehicle need not know how to operate it if they hire others to do so for them. The people who operate either weapon or the vehicle in public places must be trained in order to better insure the safety of the general population.
Weapons-safety classes are a public safety measure and falls within the well-regulated militia criteria in accord with The Constitution for the United States of America, Second Amendment. Any person carrying a weapon in public must have demonstrated that they are at least qualified as a sharpshooter classification or better at a paint-ball, live-fire, qualification-range; thus demonstrating that the qualifier is ability to hit their intended target with their selected weapon while being fired upon by others.
Public safety measures require individuals pass driving-tests for properly operating vehicles in public, so as to maintain an organized traffic flow. Other similar restrictions on individual rights, regarding these rights or others, must be amended into this Constitution on a case by case basis. Some additional occupations that require testing include medicine, mechanics, utilities, and other public hazardous occupations to make certain that the people are skilled in those professions.
With respect to Arms: For clarity, this 1785 definition for Arms comes from a common-use dictionary.
1. Weapons of offence, or armour of defence.
The proper enforcement of the 1787/90 Constitution for the United States of America, Amendment 13 use of slavery and involuntary servitude for punishing criminal activity, carried forward into this Constitution, works to reduce all type of crime, so long as the person is duly convicted. More later in Slavery & Involuntary Servitude.
Well-regulated, professionally trained militias that respect the people's rights are necessary to maintain the security of a Free People; City, County, State, and Nation. Citizens forming Private Militias remain subject to this Constitution and other constitutions listed herein, as well as the political jurisdiction’s laws wherein they meet, —so long as those laws are made in pursuance to this constitution
Private militia, as well as, city, county, and State militia are subject to serve the people of the united States of America, the State, County, and City wherein they organize and train. When called into service, the members must be compensated at the same pay rate; for the time served; as the regular military and or police force; not at an increased rate of compensation. The higher rate of compensation creates loyalty to the pay than to the people's rights. The idea is to prevent a criminal-guns for-hire, merciless mercenaries situation.
Whether in wartime or peacetime, no soldier or other government officials may be quartered on any private property without the owner’s and lawful occupant’s consent. A citizen who does not condone the war should not be forced to support it.
The right of the people to be secure in their person, houses, business, transportation, papers, banking, communications, and other effects, whether electronic, written or other modes; against unreasonable searches and seizures must not be violated.
The only use for this Limited Government Power to invade any person's privacy is for finding and punishing people for criminal activity. It has no other use than Ensuring Justice.
No warrants may issue but upon probable cause that a crime was committed. Probable cause is only enough to get the warrant, not enough for an automatic search. The warrant must be supported by oath or affirmation naming the person or people who witnessed the crime, particularly describing the place or persons to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized along with identifying the witness who reported the sought person or items.
When referencing a reasonable search; there must be a constitutional reason for the search. The search itself must be conducted in a reasonable manner, so as to not unnecessarily damage private property; which means that care must be taken when disassembling or opening an area so as to not damage it. Unnecessary damage, when proved, will be compensated at full replacement value through the pay-checks of those involved in causing the unnecessary damage.
Neither this, nor any other part of this Constitution, may be violated, even during war. War time demands the highest regard for maintaining the constitutional Rule of Law.
Probable cause is not sufficient to allow an automatic search without a warrant, unless conducted for the sole purpose and only done sufficient enough to reduce a presently occurring criminal or violent act so that a warrant may be obtained for additional searching if required.
Once the person sought is in custody, detained, or cuffed, any finger prints, DNA, etc. testing must have a warrant detailing why that evidence is required. This is to stop the privacy invasions of fishing expeditions, simply because police or other government officers do not recognize the person. Warrants may be electronically transmitted from the Signing Judge to the Field Officers to be delivered to the person detained.
Any items discovered during the disarming, unless identified as part of the crime for which the person is sought and searched, must not be cause to obtain a warrant for extra searching unrelated to the original cause.
Officers witnessing a crime in action should detain offenders and secure the area, making certain those apprehended are unarmed, or at least restrained. This does not authorize additional searches of the person’s bags, vehicles, person, etc. without a warrant.
Once detained and the area secure, the officers should obtain a proper warrant naming and or accurately describing the persons and or places to be searched, and naming the persons and or places and or things to be seized. Under this Constitution, naming includes giving a written physical description and or photo and or accurate sketch of the person detained if they refuse to identify themselves. Once detained, held for trial, etc. the person is allowed to remain in their own clothes, without removing strings, belts, medicines, etc. At this point they have not yet been convicted of any crime. The individual is responsible for their own actions toward themselves.
Evidence from searches without a warrant must be allowed in court so long as the searchers receive prior written consent from the person to be searched and or from the owner and occupant of the places to be searched. The written consent must include the places to be searched, the items or persons sought, the persons or things to be seized, and at least two independent witnesses or one notary to witness the signatures.
All searches must allow for counsel or other independent witnesses to be present should the person to be searched or the property owner and or occupant of the place to be searched make such a request. Additionally, any concerned passer-by may view and record any action by government personnel, so long as they do not interfere with the movement of the officers and are not in the immediate evidence–gathering area.
Officers keeping the public away from a scene and out of camera and recorder range is a violation against the Free Press. Those people who interfere with the securing of evidence can be arrested for obstructing justice. Vocalizing concerns about police activity is not interference.
Where used, the term legal guardian does not include teachers, preachers, babysitters or others who might have short-term temporary care over a child. Without a court order, only the parents or legal guardians can search or grant permission to search a person who is not yet eighteen years old or who is not yet a legally emancipated minor. Even with a court order, the parents or the legal guardians must be present during the search —unless that person is actively committing any type of crime, which is defined as violating other's rights and or any constitutionally authorized law; or, as suspect, is fleeing an armed and or otherwise violent crime.
A minor, a person who is not of an adult age or is not a lawfully emancipated minor may not lawfully authorize property or personal searches. Minors may not lawfully consent to a search without their parents or legal guardians present. In emergencies or rescues, the minors should direct officers to where assistance is required. Rendering such assistance is not cause for unrelated searches.
Evidence found in public locations that are not on private or commercial property must be considered as lawfully obtained. Locations such as rented or borrowed locker-space; whether from private, commercial, or government facilities; by non-government employed citizens must be considered as private.
Government offices, lockers, or operations must be considered public places, regardless of whether they lease or rent from a private or commercial entity.
The evidence found through any search that violates this Constitution must be presented in court for examination by the jury to determine its relevance and admissibility for the trial. The offending searchers must be prosecuted for the unlawful search and or as an accomplice to the crime —especially if the violations allow a guilty person to escape justice. Upon conviction, each person involved in conducting an unlawful search must serve a mandatory one-year sentence for violating each searched person’s rights. Each person or place unlawfully searched is a separate violation. The intent is to reduce the likelihood of government officers covering the crimes of fellow officers, regardless of government branch or level.
After the jury delivers their verdict, all seized property must be returned within thirty days to the rightful owner. All money seized must be returned with interest, paid at the highest bank rate available to the public at any public banking establishment within the subject jurisdiction during the time the money was seized, provided the defendant is found innocent or not-guilty.
All stolen property must be returned to its rightful owner within thirty days after the trial concludes. In all other cases, where the jury delivers a guilty verdict, the next-larger political jurisdiction must auction the seized property, if it does not belong to the victim of a crime. The next-larger political jurisdiction officials must advertise the seized items to be sold and must sell the seized property at a public auction established by the people of the lower political jurisdiction.
The receipts from selling seized property become part of the General Fund of political jurisdiction that is next-larger than the one that auctioned or sold the items. This prevents a political jurisdiction from unjustly seizing property to bolster their own various funds.
No person should be detained while awaiting trial to answer for any crime, no matter how minor or serious the crime, unless required by a Grand Jury.
A grand Jury is twenty-four or more impartially and randomly selected people in the area at that time. Members for a given Grand Jury must be chosen at random and four-fifths of the members must consider that there is enough evidence to bind the accused over for trial. The Accused must be notified of the Grand Jury meeting and should be present to address the charges and potentially prove innocence so that officials might focus their search on other probable suspects.
No person should be subject for the same offense, action, or inaction to be twice put in jeopardy for the loss of life, limb, liberty, or property. Double Jeopardy must include a combination of criminal and non-criminal accusations and trials resulting from the same action or inaction; if those trials are conducted separately.
No person may be compelled in any criminal or non-criminal case to be a witness against themselves or to provide evidence that might incriminate them. This expressly outlaws the use of Plea-Bargains.
Nor should any person be deprived of life, limb, liberty, or property without due process of law, which prohibits the use, among other unjust government powers of Imminent Domain, Civil Asset Forfeiture, and or holding a person in jail for trial for any time length without a Grand Jury Indictment.
No property may be taken from the rightful owner, except in criminal and non-criminal prosecutions for which an impartial jury decides the one party owes restitution to the injured party. This aspect is not a taking for public use, as it goes directly to the victim
Taking private property for public use must not be an option in a Free and Responsible Society. Private land or other items must not be taken from its rightful owner for public use except through taxation that equally applies to all others in the same political jurisdiction according to the rule of law detailed in this Constitution and lawfully authorized by the people. The people are responsible for developing alternatives that do not involve taking private property without the owner’s consent.
Compensating a person injured or wronged, by the person from whom the jury orders restitution is not considered public use.
No property may be taken from a person based on the faulty assumption that if criminals possess certain items or certain amounts of cash, etc. that any person possessing that item or amount of it is guilty or that they might use those items for a crime. This prohibits what is known as Civil Asset Forfeiture and other types of these laws.
In all criminal prosecutions (without exception), the accused must receive a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury within the jurisdiction wherein the crime was committed. This prohibits plea-bargaining, as the only people who benefit from such bargains are the guilty, as well as corrupted public officials
The law passed must name the original jurisdiction
The definition for Speedy from 1785 must be carried forward into this constitution.
Quick; swift; nimble; quick of dispatch.
3. Speedy; free from delay.
4. Active; spritely; ready.
No place in those definitions from 1785 does it hint that the time exceeds more than just a few hours —not days, weeks, months, or even sometimes years without a trial.
This right may not be waived by any accused person; nor may any government official deny this right; which addresses the following grievance from The unanimous Declaration.
For depriving us in many cases, of the benefit of Trial by Jury: [emphasis added]
When detained or arrested, the officer must inform the accused of the nature and cause for the detainment or arrest. Also, the officer is to reminded the individual that the government cannot force them to offer evidence; finger prints, DNA, identification, etc.; or testimony that might convict them; unless the officer has a constitutionally authorized warrant that demands the evidence.
The officer must, at the time of the accusation and arrest or detainment provide a copy of the full text of the law or section thereof that the accused is supposed to have violated; thus giving the accused the probability of ending the situation by possibly proving that no crime was committed. This is intended to prevent the government from changing the charges after arrest. When asked by passers-by or observers, the officer must tell the observers of the charges, making it more difficult for the charges to change if taken in for booking.
If the accused person claims the law is unconstitutional, the officer must reference the Constitution, Article and or Section that the law supports; without which, the Officer offers no proof that the Law is constitutionally enforceable; as this information is required to be present in the law before it is passed and enforced.
The accused retains the right to question witnesses against them, to gather evidence and witness information for the defense at the time of the arrest, to obtain the assistance of independent counsel for their defense. If the accused is cuffed, the officers must get the names and contact information of all witnesses in the area, and especially those requested by the accused as well as gather the evidence requested by the defense. If officers challenge the validity of such requests, the officers must call the elected defense lawyer and or the accused persons advisor. If a government office deliberately allows evidence for the defense to be destroyed, or witnesses released without getting contact information, this is an act of treason and tyranny. The government’s job is for the Truth. Not merely for an easy conviction.
Revoking immunity presently given to family members, clergy, lawyers, doctors, media, foreign government officials and others with regard to withholding information or evidence of crime is necessary in an Honorable Justice system to maintain a peaceable society
Though these people should help the individual in trouble, help does not include harboring or otherwise giving aid and comfort to fugitives by not disclosing constitutionally illegal activity, confessed to or otherwise made known to them; especially when those actions violate other’s rights or damage other’s property. Such immunity qualifies as treason as this provides aid and comfort to an enemy against the People; People who can no longer enjoy their safety, security, life, liberty, property, or happiness.
If someone reports a crime to you, including whether or not you are a religious leader, a doctor, a lawyer, or other previously exempted group, you become an accomplice unless you report that information to the law enforcement agencies. Let the criminals live with their own conscience about the crime. Reporting should be done in less than seventy-two hours; as opposed to years or decades later when the accused gets rich and or famous and or politically powerful.
Planning, thinking about, writing about fictitious crimes, or brainstorming about criminal activity does not constitute criminal activity until the participant also commits the act or knowingly benefits from the criminal act proceeds.
With Justice, the duty for all involved is to find out what the truth is as it relates to the constitutionality of the law and the crime or accusations at hand. If the prosecution finds evidence that may help free the accused, they must present the information as soon as possible to free the accused. A defense counsel with information, including verbal, written, audio, video, or other form of confessions that may help convict their client, the counsel must also make that information available at the earliest possible moment to the prosecution and to the courts. If the accused person does not repeat the confession before the jury, in an open court, the confession must not be allowed as evidence in that trial. However, evidence obtained according to the rule of Law of this Constitution because of that confession must be allowed before the jury.
Any confession by the accused must detail the events of the crime committed in long-form, in open court, and before an impartial jury. A confession does not diminish the penalty. A false confession to protect another person must be considered as obstruction of justice and appropriately prosecuted.
The Guilty but Insanity (or under the Influence) Pleas, is an automatic admission of guilt, and must be available for use by any accused person who chooses to use it. The person using this plea must, as best they can, provide a long-form confession as detailed above, and be informed of the following conditions attached to using this plea.
The convicted person must serve the required jail or prison time with all other jail or prison inmates for similar crimes, and not in a hospital. The person using this plea bears sole responsibility for proving they are sane, or no longer under the influence, before their release from custody.
Even after they served their full jail or prison sentence and have not proved their sanity, they must be transferred to a mental hospital.
Until the person is able to prove they are sane, or no longer under the influence, —they remain a danger to society and should not be released into society.
The Death Sentence, —the ending of life– must no longer be available within any jurisdiction under this Constitution. It is easier to restore the rights to a wrongly convicted person while they live than it is after they die. It is better to put the labor of the duly convicted person to use that benefits society, than it is to merely kill the person, no matter how horrid the crimes. When society becomes like the criminal to punish the criminal, —society is the criminal.
Criminal cases are all accusations and prosecutions for violating constitutionally enacted legislation, regardless of government level, severity of the prohibited action, or amount of the penalty. These laws generally involve violating the rights, person, and or property of others.
Non-criminal cases are trials between individuals where an individual’s rights and or contracts are violated by another person, business, or government entity; regardless of whether a prohibitive law exists or not; and the offended person seeks restitution. If the non-criminal claim is connected to a legislated crime, the accused may stand trial for the non-criminal claim, or the criminal violation, or both, —but the trials, if for both, must take place at the same time and be decided by the same jury.
All court trials, hearings, and other court proceedings must have an elected judge, an elected prosecutor, and an elected defense counsel present to assist all parties of each case, assisting the court, answering legal and procedural questions, and examining evidence; ensuring justice for all. This must in no way deny a person from obtaining independent advise for either the defense and or the prosecution. Any interested citizen may also attend and ask relevant questions during the trial because the outcome has an impact on the society and our common rights.
The right of the people to prosecute others for criminal activity; as protected under The Constitution of the United States of America, Amendment 9, shall be honored under this constitution. The same rules that apply elsewhere herein, regarding frivolous cases and the like. The Courts are required to simplify the paperwork to a generic format that can be used in every petition through the courts.
No fact tried by a jury may be otherwise re-examined in any court except where government or jury corruption is discovered, or unless on appeal initiated by the convicted person presents new evidence to prove their innocence.
With the more serious crimes, the courts may refuse bail, if authorized by a grand jury. The trial date must be no later than the date requested by the defense / defendant; and no later than seven days from date of arrest. The time incarcerated, while awaiting trial must be counted against the total sentence if found guilty. If innocent, the incarcerated person must be compensated at a rate of no less than the nation's minimum wage or $10.00 (ten dollars), whichever is more, for each hour detained or incarcerated.
The courts must issue all trial dates and subpoenas, from both the plaintiff and the defense. The appropriate Sheriff’s Department must serve in-hand those subpoenas to the named party’s last known address of record. The court must pay all service fees for both parties. All other fees paid by government via taxes for the prosecution must also be paid or made available for the defense for the same type expenses. To prevent abuse, the jury may determine frivolous abuses by either party and or unjust refusal by government to compensate a defendant and charge any part of, or all of the costs to the party abusing the services.
Without a court approved extension, if a defendant flees the jurisdiction or fails to appear for trial, the courts must accept such actions by the accused as if the accused presented a written document that allows the courts to proceed with the trial in the accused person’s absence. The court must make note that the named defendant failed to appear. If the accused hired counsel, the hired person along with the elected defense counsel must, as best they can, defend the accused.
If a witness, provides current contact information and fails to appear, that person must be considered as an accomplice to the crime. This is intended to reduce the numbers of witnesses giving false information or failing to show for trial.
In any criminal or non-criminal case, where the accused fails to appear in person and or through representation where the jury finds the accused guilty, the court must issue an arrest warrant for the convicted person, which includes the demand for return of the convict when found, regardless of what domestic State or foreign State where the accused is found. When captured, the convict must begin serving the required sentence.
Any convicted person may present new evidence that may free them. Those who failed to appear possess limited ability, after the fact, to challenge the credibility of the evidence or recorded witness testimony; and they may also challenge the law in an appeal.
In non-criminal cases, if the jury finds one party culpable and they refuse to make suitable plans for restitution at the end of the trial, an order for restitution must issue where financial accounts or real property may be seized to satisfy the judgment, but no benefits or awards may be granted to either party where those damages sought were not detailed in a prior written contract.
With truly speedy, public trials by impartial juries, there is almost no need for bail.
Bail and Punishment must not exceed that which the enacted legislation requires and neither cruel nor unusual punishment inflicted. Punishment must not violate this Constitution or other contracts listed in this Constitution.
Slavery and involuntary servitude are not cruel or unusual punishment for criminal activity —so long as the person was duly convicted; which means that the accused person's rights have not been violated in order to get the conviction. There are many forms of coercion or that of compelling. Coercion or compelling a person to be a witness against themselves, may simply be any inducement to get a person to do something they might not ordinarily do. Coercion or compelling a person may be defined as torture, unjust incarceration, or enticement; thus prohibiting plea-bargains, as an innocent person is not likely to confess to a crime they did not commit, unless they have been held in jail for a period of time to where they risk losing their job, then their housing, then their family, etc. All they must do to be released, is confess to some crime in order to go home, to work, etc.; otherwise they may be held longer.
Within any political jurisdiction under this Constitution, slavery and involuntary servitude are neither cruel nor unusual, in the context of punishing criminal activity. Less-dangerous crimes, where jail or prison is not required, involuntary servitude includes community service.
This system prohibits monetary fines as punishment for any type of crime, minor or major. This system prohibits the Death Penalty, making it easier to restore a wrongly convicted person's rights, if they can later prove their innocence. To punish the criminal, all convicts serve hard labor in prison, jail, or community service.
The tests to determine whether a particular type of labor or the hours worked are either cruel or unusual consist solely of whether or not the labor and or hours for that type of work are worked by Free Citizens, whether for hire or volunteering. This Constitution may specifically prohibit certain types of labor that Free people may of right do; such as, for starters; prostitution; medical, psychological, or other experimentation; where such activity may cause more harm to society by spreading diseases, or creating a more violent citizen.
Convicts do not receive monetary compensation for their labors and will not receive gifts, other than non physical-contact visits and or written correspondence, which must be monitored and recorded.
All revenue from convict labor helps with victim restorations, supply the raw materials for inmates to grow their own food, make the fabrics for their own clothing, bedding, etc., provide products and services for other government offices and agencies; such as; help to widows, orphans, and elderly; to reduce the tax dollars to operate government, as well as pay for maintenance to the jail and prison facilities.
With this practice, jails and prisons provide the hands-on skill-building education, encouraging the hard-work habits and the understanding that Crime No Longer Pays, in the u. S. of A. The Free People also benefit, in that they no longer pay as the victim and the taxpayer. The convicted person also benefits, if innocent, by still being alive to prove their innocence, in addition to the useful skills they acquire for when released. A wrongfully convicted person is compensated for their wrongful incarceration, detailed earlier.
No law may infringe upon any individual’s rights, except in cases specifically stated within this Constitution, which is for the purpose of seeing that justice has been done to protect the victims of crime; nor may any person be deprived of life, liberty, or property that results from criminal or non-criminal prosecution without due process of law; nor may any government office deny to any person, resident-citizen or foreigner within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. In this way, neither the rights of the victim nor the rights of the accused have unequal priority.
Every government official (foreign or domestic) or other person conducting business on behalf of a domestic or foreign political jurisdiction, who commits any type of crime in this country, must be tried, and if convicted, punished and not escape justice because of their political connections.
Certain rights, enumerated within this Constitution are not be construed in any way to deny, disparage, or otherwise limit or infringe upon other rights retained by the people. The unanimous Declaration names some other rights retained by the people no matter what our government forms; but is in no way considered a complete list.
Enumerating certain rights within this Constitution work to grant, limit, or forbid government involvement regarding the rights listed.
Failure to mention other rights forbids government interference in those rights until such time as the governed people amend this Constitution to grant to government some limited power or authority regarding those rights. Granting such power must be done in accord with The unanimous Declaration's statement: That to secure the governed peoples' rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.
For any state, county, city, town or other political subdivision to regulate any rights not specifically listed in this Constitution, —that Government infringement into the people’s rights, without written authority within this Constitution, —is Tyranny, Despotism and Treason.
Allowing government —for the sake of expediency– to regulate rights not enumerated within this constitution opens the door to absolute despotism and tyranny by government.
With respect to the peoples' rights and government powers.
The people's rights always come first. The question always must be asked: Has this Constitution authorized government infringement into that right? If not, the law is unjust.
When a right is listed, the smaller political jurisdictions may regulate and punish those activities with more leniency, but not more harshly than this Constitution allows.
When it comes to political powers granted within this constitution, the smaller political jurisdictions may more strictly limit their local government's exercise of those powers; other wise the powers are off limits to government.
Every political jurisdiction under this constitution must be able to freely investigate any government officers and acts within any other political jurisdiction under this constitution in order to fulfill their constitutional oath towards securing and protecting their respective resident-citizen's rights.
Whether larger or smaller, each political jurisdiction’s law enforcement, police, sheriffs, militia, and military are subject to the other's civil authority, except when constitutionally investigating those civil authorities. The investigated jurisdiction must cooperate with investigators. All investigations must be public, remaining subject to the Rule of Law provided by this Constitution and the other contracts listed in this Constitution.
Law enforcement and military persons must suffer penalties for enforcing laws and following orders that violate The Supreme Law of the Land, as detailed within this constitution. To enforce such unconstitutional laws or follow such unconstitutional orders is an act of treason, —giving aid and comfort to an enemy, a domestic enemy. These treasonous acts must be punished so as to discourage others from repeating them.
Anyone suspected (by primarily not being able to communicate in the united States version of the English Language) of having entered these united States unlawfully or having overstayed their Visa, may be asked to present identification.
With government officers patrolling the nation's borders, they will audio-video record the people crossing into the nation illegally. When captured, they are brought directly to the nearest Immigration Court for jury trial. If duly convicted, they must serve their entire sentence before being returned to their home country.
When the individual cannot provide appropriate identification but claims to be a citizen; the detaining law enforcement officer must seek verification from other state and or federal agencies for obtaining copies of birth records and or naturalization papers, passports, visas etc. This should be accomplished in less than three hours. During this time, the individual must also be allowed to make any calls to have papers presented to a local law-enforcement agency or faxed to the detaining officers for verification. If the law enforcement agency detaining the individual cannot acquire any documentation, the accused must receive a speedy, public, and impartial jury trial. If the jury finds the accused guilty, those convicted must serve six months for the first offense and two years for the second offense, in jail or prison, working hard labor alongside convicted citizens before being returned to their home country.
For individuals charged with other crimes, additional trials must be held regarding those charges. The political jurisdiction where the crimes and or the trial take place must use their general or judicial fund to pay all trial costs. If convicted, the person must serve the appropriate sentence for each crime, as detailed in that law. Sentencing must be the same as if a lawful citizen committed the same crime. Each sentence for each convicted offense must be served one after the other.
Whether a person is a citizen or a foreigner in this constitution’s jurisdiction, lawfully or not, all persons convicted of separate crimes must serve consecutive sentences, one after the other. Anyone convicted of unlawfully entering or living within this constitution’s jurisdiction must also be prohibited from re-entering lawfully for at least ten years after being returned to their home country, after they serve the entire sentence for which they were duly convicted.
Each time a person enters this constitution’s jurisdiction unlawfully, the penalty doubles. This same doubling applies also to other criminal acts whether the person convicted of that same crime is a citizen or not. The doubling must not be construed so as to apply to different types of crime; such as: robbery = robbery by any other name; and murder = murder by any other name; but robbery ≠ murder and self protection ≠ murder; etc.. And just for clarity, no crime is committed out of love; so lumping many different types of crime under one umbrella; such as “hate-crime;) so that harsher penalties may be applied, must not exist.
Regarding illegal immigration: Before this Article on illegal immigration becomes enforceable, a ninety-day notice must broadcast publicly more than three times daily at random hours for the entire ninety days; being broadcast in the united States of America’s version of the English language. Foreign countries are responsible for accurately translating this for their citizens.
For unification and cost-effective government, as well as cost efficient business, every citizen-resident must be able to read, speak, understand, and otherwise communicate in the united States of America's version of the English Language.
The united States American-English language includes International Sign-Language and International Morris-Code that can be used by the blind and or deaf. This skill benefits all resident-citizens in emergency situations.
People who cannot communicate in the united States American-English Language retain sole responsibility for hiring an interpreter when dealing with any government offices or businesses within these united States of America. This language requirement violates no person’s rights, as it supposes all persons voluntarily come to or desire to remain within these united States of America. If not, they may freely leave or surrender their citizenship and the people unlawfully detaining them will be prosecuted for kidnapping and or false imprisonment —so long as they are not being detained for any other crimes or convictions.
This requirement must not be construed in any way to prevent citizens from learning other languages or practicing their desired culture so long as such practices do not unjustly infringe upon other people’s rights or any laws enacted within the Consent of the Governed guidelines of this Constitution.
The resident-citizen’s right to vote or to receive benefit from any government program or agency offered within these united States must not be denied or abridged by any political jurisdiction or agent under this Constitution except as authorized within this constitution
Government officials must require an individual to prove their eligibility to vote; in that;
Are they a citizen and are they taxed. Citizenship requirements (in that they are in fact lawful citizens); and based on residency requirements (in that they lived in the political jurisdiction long enough).
Proof the citizen pays any taxes at all (sales, income, etc.).
Are they Registered as a Voter.
In addition to residency, taxation, and citizenship no other reasons may exist to prevent a person from voting, once they have passed the public voting-test detailed earlier and cleared the Exclusions from Voting.
Any person still serving a sentence, or any part thereof, for any criminal activity, or non-criminal acts that violated other person’s right is prohibited from voting; the same individuals are ineligible for other government programs. Once the sentence has been paid in full; no parole, probation, community services, etc.; only then are the rights of the citizen fully restored, unless the citizens proved to be a repeat offender, which the law must specify after which number of repeat offenses the citizen permanently loses which specific rights related the repeated crime.
Also excluded are persons who receive government benefits, but this does not exclude honorably discharged military veterans receiving benefits connected with their combat-duty service; so long as the war was constitutionally declared.
A convicted person’s family must not become eligible for any government benefits that they were not already eligible to receive prior to the crime. This does not exclude this family from receiving benefits for which they qualified to receive prior to the crime, so long as the family remains qualified after the conviction.
The people possess the right to choose their associates; whether employees, business customers, church or club members, etc., or tenants or employees for non-government funded business or housing, etc.; which must not be infringed, so long as they publicly post the restrictions in ads, fliers, billboards, posters, etc. wherever they advertise those vacancies. Such postings benefit those who might apply, but not qualify according to the offering person’s standards. Government funding includes loans, grants, tax breaks, etc. in whole or in part that any government level or branch has provided to the entity; all of which are prohibited under this Constitution. However, under the previous Constitution, these activities were unjustly allowed.
This must not be construed in any manner whatsoever to allow, enable, or encourage criminal activity; or to extend to any enterprise that may receive tax credits, etc. from the government.
When the rights of some seem to conflict with the rights of others, the one’s rights should not unjustly violate another or receive greater government favor than the other’s rights.
Social pressure by way of boycotts and protests effectively regulate socially undesirable practices; business or otherwise, —especially when no person or property are physically harmed.
When government force causes one to surrender their right to favor another person's rights; this is not justice.
In a free, socially responsible society; there are nearly always more options available than seeking the government strong-arm to violate the one to favor the other.
As for government (the actions of government personnel), as it relates to their government occupation, they have no rights regarding which citizens can and cannot benefit from government products or services.
Through the legislative powers described within this Constitution; the People within a political jurisdiction who enact legislation must decide all amounts and forms of taxation with regard to how they will fund that to which they consent, —if, in fact, two-thirds of the total body of registered votes do consent. Only that political jurisdiction’s resident-citizens are responsible for funding what they authorize.
Any citizen, no matter their age, if they pay any type of taxes, fines, government fees, levies, and such, they possess the right to vote, —so long as they are a citizen.
Because histories worst parts repeat too often, this statement must also repeat throughout this Constitution. No official in any government level or branch under this Constitution may obtain any power or authority that the people subject to its jurisdiction have not already specifically granted to that government branch or level, in writing via the respective constitution, —so long as that grant of power does not also violate this Constitution or The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America.
This experimental, necessity-based idea rises from the unfortunate experience that too many people spoil the land, water, and air under their possession or control with toxins and do not properly manage the health of these resources to encourage healthy human life.
Because the soil, land, water, and air are common resources, —in that what any individual does in these spaces migrates and travels from lot to lot over time to become part of a neighbor’s soil, water, and or air. The people of society must agree to certain rules of use. Thus, these resources are managed by their social / political / managers in government offices by way of the local Constitution; city, county, state, nation. This should encourage voters to find, elect, and make certain votes are counted properly.
New land acquisition to expand the geographical jurisdiction under this constitution must be consensual between the majority of the total number of registered voters and the known Deeded-Owner for the property. This process only requires the consent from another political jurisdiction, if that political jurisdiction is named as one of the owners of record.
As for Lands of foreign countries, the people; or government officers, if they have lawful authority for that country must, if they are agreeable, consent to this nation’s acquisition of that land, —especially if those people are selling off part of their assets and not joining this nation.
Notice must be sent to each political jurisdiction within which the land is situated, regarding such acquisitions, so they may adjust their tax logs and or challenge the acquisition.
All Land within this geographical and political jurisdiction is owned equally by all the lawful permanent resident citizens and controlled equally by two-thirds majority of the total body of registered voters. Elected Officials manage, with emphasis added to the word manage; the lands in accord with the terms of this Constitution and the laws passed in accord with the consent of the governed with respect to their local constitutions and contracts.
The government managers may contract with residents, whether temporary, permanent, and or voting, who desire to rent or lease land for specific use-type and for a specific time length or go month to month. This replaces the typical real estate taxes. This does not allow government to evict a person with Eminent Domain, if that person has maintained the terms of their land-use contract.
This revenue becomes part of the General Fund of the smallest political jurisdiction to finance various other government projects, programs, and law enforcement. By percentage of known land mass; within the county, state and nation; the local government officers send that percentage of revenue from the land-use to the respective larger political jurisdictions. Using the General Fund, if not already authorized by this Constitution, must be approved by the two-thirds consent of the total number of registered voters in that political jurisdiction.
Upon ratification by three-fourths of the total body of registered voters of the united States of America by popular vote in the First House and by three-fourths of the total number of States for the Second House, this Constitution replaces all prior Constitutions, city, county, state, and national. This requires each political jurisdiction to renew or rewrite their present constitutions, using this Constitution as the framework for adjusting their more local government powers. This brings them up to date with the Supreme Law of the Land, as detailed herein. With this act, the people of each political jurisdiction know, from generation to generation, what powers are granted to the respective government offices.
The ratification requirements stated above, also satisfies the present requirements in The Constitution for the United States of America, Article 5, convention's clause as well as three–fourths of the State's.
The 20/20 Founding Charter & Constitution for "The United States of America"; only the laws made in pursuance of this Constitution; and treaties made, under the authority of The Founding Charter are The Supreme Law of the Land
All government personnel, whether elected, appointed, hired, contracted, volunteering, or otherwise conducting business on behalf of any government level or branch are bound by the terms of this Constitution.
Any laws or other acts of government that conflict with this Constitution are unenforceable, they are acts of tyranny, despotism, and treason.
Any changes to or replacement of this Constitution does not alter or affect the nation's Founding Charter, which is named, The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, 1776. It lawfully is a stand-alone, separate, and independent document contract law that only the body referred to as the governed may rightly amend. For clarity, amending The Founding Charter, requires the simple majority of the total number of registered voters in each of all of the states, in order to unanimously and lawfully alter it.
The same legislative process detailed earlier in This Constitution for proposing laws must be used to amend or completely replace this Constitution; but three-fourths of the total number of registered voters and three-fourths of the total States must consent to the proposed amendment or replacement to effect the ratification.
The lawful creation of and enforcement of a new contract must be done in accord with the terms of the prior contract that it alters or replaces. In this instance, that prior contract is The Constitution of the United States of America.
When three-quarters of the total number of registered voters within each of these united States of America, in three-quarters of the total number of states; in accord with Article 4 if this Constitution: The Legislative Branch, approves this Constitution, it becomes effective and binding on all political jurisdictions that are now and may become part of these united States of America. These terms fully exceed Article 5 of The Constitution of the United States of America, by including the popular vote to determine the respective State-Vote.
On January 1st 2025, the governed people, by signing this Signature-Ballot, granting our Consent, do Ratify and put into effect The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America as part of The 20/20 Founding Charter & Constitution for "The United States of America", binding ourselves to the terms detailed herein. These terms herein meeting or exceeding the amendment process terms required by this constitution and The Constitution of the United States of America.
When completed, official copies of this; The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America & The 20/20 Founding Charter & Constitution for "The United States of America" must be sent to the government office of every political jurisdiction within these united States of America; and as a courtesy, sent also to all foreign countries with a known mailing address, notifying them that we are altering our present form of government from that of a Representative Legislative Republic to that of a Limited Direct Bicameral-Legislative Democracy with an Executive and Judicial Representative-Republic Form of Government. Failure of any political jurisdiction to receive a copy, does not nullify this Constitution. A certified copy will be sent to them on request.
To support and defend The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America & The 20/20 Founding Charter & Constitution for "The United States of America" against enemies foreign and domestic; with a firm reliance on the protection of divine providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor to preserve our rights and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity; we ordain and establish The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America & The 20/20 Founding Charter & Constitution for "The United States of America".
When unified for protecting each other’s rights, whether we like each other or not and especially if we don't, along with our will to properly unify to enforce our lawful authority over our governments, —we truly are Free People. Every right exercised has a corresponding level of responsibility for the results; be they positive or negative results.
We, the governed people, are intended to work together to properly control the government's powers to equally protect each other's rights.
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