Disaster Preparedness Generally

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Government should only involve public funds on programs and projects that are available to all citizens —so long as the citizen truly is free; that is, not serving any time for any criminal action for which they have been duly convicted.
Government officers should be able to manage any projects and programs at about 50% to 60% less-costly to the citizens than a private contractor. The government is not in it for money-profit. The entire body of people within our nation are the investors. They fund these projects and programs with their tax dollars. This is the secondary profitable return on the tax dollars; the use of the service at greatly discounted rates.
The primary profitable return to the people is that of the security of our rights. It is for this reason alone that we created our governments —to help us secure / protect our rights.
Our nation's militia, full-time military, as well as all persons serving any time for being duly convicted of a crime should be used to help relieve any disaster within our nation, possessions, territories, allies, and other countries that need assistance. Such use prepares the militia and military for various wartime elements, events, and casualties. The work prepares students and inmates for life when they complete their school years or jail sentence.
The people already fund the militia, military, prison-system, and education system. Why not get as much benefit from them as possible for such tasks as medical transports, fire, police, quicker recovery from disasters, as well as other public services and emergency conditions.
Using the militia / reserves and active-duty military keeps the members training as current on equipment operations while making use of their training hours to benefit society during peace. Normally, training time is less-productive with empty equipment runs and practice on mannequins.
This converts the Military- and Prison- Industrial Complex into a useful Peace Corp educational activity.
The governed people, are intended to work together to properly control their government's powers to equally protect each other's rights.
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