Enforce Contractual Vote Counting
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The Constitution of the United States of America, Article 6 details The Supreme Law of the Land. Within it, it includes The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, by reference. The reference it uses; " [The] Authority of the United States".
The Constitution is the government's authority for passing and enforcing certain limited types of law. Treaties, on the other hand, deal with a nation's authority.
Since the people are the nation; the nation's authority is The Declaration.
The vote-count tally must account for every registered voter's vote as either consenting or not-consenting. Any registered voter who does not submit a ballot must be counted as having not consented —simply because they did not consent. We know this is fact, after reviewing the 1756 definitions for consent; as in consent of the governed; which are detailed below.
"The Consent of the Governed" comes from The Declaration. It is used in reference to how government get their just or honorable powers. But, what does it mean to get the consent of the governed or the consent from a known number of people?
With the consent of the governed clause, a registered voter can either consent-to, or withhold-consent-from any balloted item or candidate, or from all of them.
For this, we need to know what the word consent and to consent meant to the generation who authorized their respective Representatives to sign The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen United States of America.
1. The act of yielding or consenting.
2. Concord; agreement; accord.
4. Tendency to one point.
To Consent:
1. To be of the same mind; to agree.
2. To co–operate to the same end.
With this, we also define, yield & abstain.
To Yield:
v.a. 7. To resign; to give up.
v.n. 1. To give up the conquest; to submit.
To Abstain:
To forbear, to deny one's self any gratification.
The yield definition covers those who choose to not participate in voting, right from the start, by not registering as a voter. They yield to the will or to the vote-count of the majority of the total number of registered voters.
When a registered voter decides to not participate, they abstain by denying themselves any gratification from consenting or withholding their consent. To abstain, they must physically have their name removed from the Voter Registration.
Yielding and abstaining are not the same action as consenting.
With the Consent of the Governed, as with the other two methods; we are dealing with a known number of voters, --Registered Voters. For clarity, these people are registered as voters, which means that every time a ballot goes out in their political jurisdiction, their vote must be properly accounted for, as either Consenting, or as Withholding their Consent.
The Consent of the Governed, contract-clause makes it the duty of the registered voter to get their consenting vote to the polling station before it closes; otherwise, that voter has not consented to anyone or anything on the ballot.
This system eliminates most of the corruption that finds its way into voting. Most importantly; it requires whomever or whatever is on the ballot to educate the registered voters. They must be good enough, in order to encourage more than 50% of the total body of registered voters to go to the polling station to grant their consent; or fail for lack of consent.
This is an unusual concept —because is has not been taught in the schools. Fortunately, it still has a chance, as most of the people, presented with the full picture of the Consent of the governed benefits-for-citizens, they would like to see it practiced.
With this majority, as with the other, it assumes that every citizen eligible to vote, and desires to participate, has registered as a voter. In this way, it protects the right of the individual to not participate in voting. After all, generally speaking, forced activity produces inferior results. Forced, does not have to be physical force or threat of law. Force can be emotional or psychological in the form of guilt-trips. You did not submit a ballot? You must be lazy, apathetic, or worse yet, unpatriotic!
Enforcing the consent of the governed clause alone, will keep well over 90% of all of the people presently in our elected offices —out of office for lack of consent. This also will remove the majority of all people in appointed offices, because those who appointed or confirmed them into office should not have been there to do so.
This form of majority vote-counting reduces the impact of special interest, PACS, and lobbyists activity.
This form of majority also demands that even more registered voters be well informed on the matter and convinced that it is a good enough idea to warrant their time to get a consenting vote to the polling station.
The governed people, are intended to work together to properly control their government's powers to equally protect each other's rights.
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