Un-Do Unconstitutional Government Actions & Actors

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"Vote Them Out" does not mean —leave the corrupted buggers in office to continue ruining the country while we wait for another General Election.
Waiting for the next General Election rewards politicians whose term automatically ends. That is the purpose for the General Election —fill the seat that is about to become empty.
The vast majority of registered voters, regardless of personal differences and dislikes for one another —Did NOT and Do NOT, on a regular basis, consent to most of the politicians who are unlawfully and unethically sworn into office. Such "elections" violate the terms of the contract referred to as The Declaration.
For the more convenient management of the general interests of the united states, delegates shall be annually appointed in such manner as the legislature of each state shall direct, to meet in Congress on the first Monday in November, in every year, with a power reserved to each state to recall its delegates, or any of them, at any time within the year, and to send others in their stead, for the remainder of the Year.
To Recall
To call back; to call again; to revoke.
Revocation; act or power of calling back.
RECALL Elections are the only honorable way for the people to FIRE corrupt politicians and to STOP their damage.
If you contract with someone to do work for you; say it is a two-year contract. Within the first 6 months, the person is totally destroying your project and not following the design. There is absolutely no signs of improving; just getting worse.
Are you going to keep paying that person and just let that them keep butchering the job for the remainder of the two-year contract??
Heck No!
You are going to FIRE THEM —if necessary, through the courts.
It's long past due for us the governed people to fire most all of our government officials through Recall Elections.
Recall Elections are basically the same as General Elections, but the people in the affected district work together to generate an early ballot for that office that dishonest or corrupted official occupies; or for any unjust government action, etc. Basically, the same way you might get fired for harming the company you work for, especially if you are a high ranking office of that company that only a Board of Directors can fire.
The body of Register Voters, in the majority, is that Board of Directors for the elected government offices. The registered voters, also, when working together can undo any unjust, unconstitutional government act. This goes for ALL government levels and branches.
"Vote Them Out" = Fire Them = RECALL Elections ..... Not General Elections.
It's long past due for us to FIRE most all of our government officials that we did not even elect in the first place.
Review The Total Recall Campaign for some great ideas and tools about how to get the job done all at once.
The governed people, are intended to work together to properly control their government's powers to equally protect each other's rights.
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