Who owns government?
How are they supposed to control it?
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The government's Corporate Founding Charter, among other useful purposes, identifies the owners, financers, and controllers over government, as well as specifying the vote-count method.
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen United States of America is the government's Corporate Founding Charter. It is the only lawful document, the contract for these united States of America, the nation, which can identify and regulate who has authority over government. It has not been, amended, repealed, or replaced.
The Corporate By-Laws do not replace or otherwise alter The Corporate Founding Charter.
In the second paragraph, of The unanimous Declaration, it states:
[...] all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, [...]—That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed
The consent of the governed phrase identifies that entity that possesses the Sovereign Authority over government. The governed; the resident-citizens who created the government, grant to it specific powers to equally help the people protect their rights against unjust violations.
Tax dollars fund government. No matter where the government officers get the money; bank, foreign country, etc.; taxes are raised to pay off those debts. This is why The Declaration identifies the following government action as tyranny and despotism:
[...] For imposing taxes on us without our consent.
The owners and controllers are the governed people. They are the citizens who created the government and continue to lawfully reside within its political and geographical boundaries.
With that, the citizens, and especially the citizen-taxpayer; no matter their age; possesses every right to participate in voting. In this way they help select who in government is going to spend their tax dollars, and on what.
The owners of a new corporation should not be asking this type of question —because their contracts are fresh in mind. However, when that corporation, passed down through many generations, with many new and foreign families becoming co-owners and controllers, that how question might come up, especially if the Corporate Officers begin acting like they own the corporation.
When it comes to government, the above scenario where the Corporate Officers begin acting like they own the corporation, tends to be the case more often than not.
When tyrant and despotic government officers take control of government, while quite ingeniously allowing for what appear to be free and open democratic elections; and then dictate what gets taught or not taught in the schools; many generations pass with each generation less competent than the previous when it comes to properly controlling government.
Sadly, this is the too-true story about the people within these united States of America.
The co-owners of government, as that is what citizens really are —co-owners; they should be completely knowledgeable about the content of the corporate founding charter for government. In these united States of America, that corporate charter is, The unanimous declaration of the thirteen united States of America.
For many decades in these united States of America, our politicians have repeatedly referred to The Declaration and The Constitution as, old dead paper; out-dated; and even useless; to mention only a few. These political declarations about those contracts usually happen after they are sworn into office. They fail to realize that by them swearing into office under those contracts, they renew those contracts —every year.
Such statements by people sworn into office under those contracts, by the individual's action are breach of contract at the very least; tyranny & treason at its worst. And the citizens do nothing as the politicians continue to set themselves up as untouchable. The citizens do nothing because presently, they do not know what to do.
The unanimous Declaration of the united States of America is the government charter where voter eligibility and vote-counting are detailed. This would be in accord with how corporations are established.
The Declaration in its entirety references the entire body of citizens when it uses the words, the governed, in the clause, "Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed". Later, in The Declaration, among the list of grievances that identify characteristic marks of tyranny and despotism, it states; "For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent". We know that both of those statements refer to the citizens and not to government officers or representatives in government. This knowledge comes from this other grievance, "He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislatures."
The citizens' control over government is strictly limited to the terms of the contract of The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America.
Aside from the tyrannical and despotic political powers listed in The Declaration, which the governed people are contractually prohibited from granting to, or allowing the government officers to exercise; our focus here is on what powers the governed people may of right grant to government and how to go about granting those powers.
Though every citizen, no matter what race, sex, age, religion, previous condition of servitude, homelessness, etc. possesses a legitimate right to vote; all of them also possess the right to not participate in the voting process. This necessitates the purpose for registering voters who qualify and desire to participate; much the same as any corporation maintains a list of people registered as voters.
A special note regarding registering homeless citizens and housed citizens as voters. In order to prevent voter fraud:
There should be a waiting period of six months to a year (housed or homeless) to prevent mass populations from registering on voting day, who will then leave the next or same day.
There should be proof of citizenship and proof of residency that was established before the six month waiting period. This keeps 'foreigners', be they from neighboring towns or foreign countries from registering. If a person waits for the last minute to try to register, and they cannot present proof of citizenship or residency, they would have to wait for the next election cycle to actually vote. Most birth certificates can be had in less than six months.
Generally, the registration list should be entirely purged at the end of the last election for the year. This automatically removes all the names of people who died, people who moved out of the area, and people who lost interest; as these people are not likely to re-register. Those who register will know that they possess a vote that will be accounted for as either consenting to, or withholding consent; thus making it more important for the voter to get a consenting ballot to the polls if they want anything on the ballot to pass or win.
There should be a national database of registered voters that requires a current photo and finger print to better eliminate multiple registrations in different political jurisdictions.
None of the above requirements violate any citizen's right to vote, or their right to privacy; housed or homeless; as it gives any citizen interested, nearly a full year to re-register for the next voting cycle; and it keeps the elections as honest as possible, for all.
Unfortunately, we allowed our government employees to destroy the Sovereignty of our contractual vote-count. We allowed them to declare that the popular vote is a first-past-the-post, or a simple plurality; both are detailed next, in Vote-Count Methods.
We must distinguish between three vote-count methods. Two of of the three are said to be practiced in modern elections. Those two are; First Past the Post; and, A Simple Plurality.
The third, almost no one has heard about. It is simply referred to as, The Consent of the Governed.
With each of the three vote-count methods, we will run the same election. Election details include:
• 100 total Registered Voters; 100%;
• 60 of them will not submit any ballot at all; 60% of the total number of registered voters.
• 40 of them will at least check into the polls and submit a ballot; 40% of the total number of registered voters.
• 2 candidates for dog-catcher.
• Candidate #1 gets 4 votes; or 4% of the total number of registered voters; but 10% of the 40% who submitted ballots.
• Candidate #2 gets 6 votes; or 6% of the total number of registered voters; but 15% of the 40% who submitted ballots.
Seems like a no brainer; at least according to popular current teaching.
With this Vote-Count System, the winners must get just the majority of those registered voters who do submit ballots to the polls. This means, that in our fake election; the winning candidate must get more than 20 of the 40 who submitted ballots. However; neither candidate did get the majority of the 40 who submitted consenting ballots; so both lost for lack of consent.
When none of the candidates on the ballot receive enough votes to win; another election must take place to find someone who does.
If this were strictly enforced; it would still keep a large percentage of people out of office, as very few of those sworn into office ever receive the majority of the typical 40% who do submit any ballots at all.
This majority-theory has the remaining 60 who did not submit a ballot; as yielding to the will of the majority of the 40 who did submit a ballot. This is a form of mob rule where a much smaller population controls the larger.
With the First Past the Post, that which is on the ballot must get more than 50% of the total number of registered voters who submit a ballot to the polling station before the polls close. With this method, the Finish-Line, or post location, is not known until after the polls close, and after the votes are counted and the challenge period ends.
How would you like to go to the races; place your bets; watch the actual race; and not know where the finish line is or whether your horse won?
If the first-past-the-post were a horse race, a lot of people would be scratching their heads and wondering, just how can this be an honest race? No one knows where the finish line is until someone declares a winner.
The first-past-the-post vote-count had not allowed enough bad politicians into office fast enough. So, while the people slept, the government employees destroyed the Sovereignty of the governed peoples' vote count even more so. They reduced the required votes for a win to what they call a simple-plurality.
With the Simple Plurality, the winner need only get one more vote than, nothing, to be declared the winner.
With the same fake election, detailed earlier; Candidate #2, with 6 votes of the 40 wins the race.
The Simple Plurality is very similar to First Past the Post; but this Finish-Line Post is even more questionable. Here, the Finish-Line Post changes as each ballot is counted; sort of like the horse race announcer broadcasting this or that horse is leading by a nose or head. But your horse race here, has no fixed finish line marker.
Ultimately, after all ballots are counted, and the challenge period ends, this Finish-Line Post is merely one vote more than the next closest competition for the same race; and none of the candidates combined need have attained the majority of anything. Literally; one vote more than nothing.
If the citizens of these united States of America want to return their Sovereignty over government; they must enforce the law of the contract-clause in The unanimous Declaration of the united States of America. This simply means helping protect the right of those voters who are going to vote in opposition to you. This introduces Our Nation's Pledge, which is covered later on in this page.
"The Consent of the Governed" comes from The Declaration. It is used in reference to how government get their just or honorable powers. But, what does it mean to get the consent of the governed or the consent from a known number of people?
With the consent of the governed clause, a registered voter can either consent-to, or withhold-consent-from any balloted item or candidate, or from all of them.
For this, we need to know what the word consent and to consent meant to the generation who authorized their respective Representatives to sign The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen United States of America.
It is Old Dictionary Time again:
1. The act of yielding or consenting.
2. Concord; agreement; accord.
4. Tendency to one point.
To Consent:
1. To be of the same mind; to agree.
2. To co–operate to the same end.
With this, we also define, yield & abstain.
To Yield:
v.a. 7. To resign; to give up.
v.n. 1. To give up the conquest; to submit.
To Abstain:
To forbear, to deny one's self any gratification.
The yield definition covers those who choose to not participate in voting, right from the start, by not registering as a voter. They yield to the will or to the vote-count of the majority of the total number of registered voters.
When a registered voter decides to not participate, they abstain by denying themselves any gratification from consenting or withholding their consent. To abstain, they must physically have their name removed from the Voter Registration.
Yielding and abstaining are not the same action as consenting.
With the Consent of the Governed, as with the other two methods; we are dealing with a known number of voters, --Registered Voters. For clarity, these people are registered as voters, which means that every time a ballot goes out in their political jurisdiction, their vote must be properly accounted for, as either Consenting, or as Withholding their Consent.
The Consent of the Governed, contract-clause makes it the duty of the registered voter to get their consenting vote to the polling station before it closes; otherwise, that voter has not consented to anyone or anything on the ballot.
This system eliminates most of the corruption that finds its way into voting. Most importantly; it requires whomever or whatever is on the ballot to educate the registered voters. They must be good enough, in order to encourage more than 50% of the total body of registered voters to go to the polling station to grant their consent; or fail for lack of consent.
This is an unusual concept —because is has not been taught in the schools. Fortunately, it still has a chance, as most of the people, presented with the full picture of the Consent of the governed benefits-for-citizens, they would like to see it practiced.
With this majority, as with the other, it assumes that every citizen eligible to vote, and desires to participate, has registered as a voter. In this way, it protects the right of the individual to not participate in voting. After all, generally speaking, forced activity produces inferior results. Forced, does not have to be physical force or threat of law. Force can be emotional or psychological in the form of guilt-trips. You did not submit a ballot? You must be lazy, apathetic, or worse yet, unpatriotic!
Enforcing the consent of the governed clause alone, will keep well over 90% of all of the people presently in our elected offices —out of office for lack of consent. This also will remove the majority of all people in appointed offices, because those who appointed or confirmed them into office should not have been there to do so.
This form of majority vote-counting reduces the impact of special interest, PACS, and lobbyists activity.
This form of majority also demands that even more registered voters be well informed on the matter and convinced that it is a good enough idea to warrant their time to get a consenting vote to the polling station.
It should never be intended to easily get into government office or to easily grant to government any specific powers. This is how corruption of government happens and violates the people's rights. We see this warning in a couple of clauses in The Declaration's second paragraph, which states:
Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.
It should be noted that not even newer government should be changed for light and transient causes. There should be justifiable contractual reason for granting and removing government powers.
We easily see how all three methods could apply to any given election; but rarely do.
For this, we simply repeat a part of The Declaration's second paragraph; "—That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed".
Every government power, when exercised, must work to equally protect everyone's rights. This is a lot simpler than it sounds. When we realize that every person possesses the exact same list of rights, with each individual likely to select different rights, while also placing different values on the same rights chosen; there can be no conflict between two people exercising what we assume are conflicting rights.
These two abbreviated examples provide sufficient mental imagery.
First: You possess both rights, to keep and bear arms; as well as, to not, keep and bear arms. The person who chooses to, has no right to force people who choose not to. Vise versa, the one choosing not to, has no right to forces others to not keep and bear arms.
Second: You possess both of these rights as well. You have a right to have someone bake you a cake. You also possess a right to bake, or to not bake cakes, as you choose. The person wanting the cake baked, does not possess a right to force another person to bake a cake for them, even if that baker does it for a living. Then, the baker, who bakes cakes, cannot of right force you you buy the cakes they bake.
• It forces the people of all political divides; such as party, religion, money, sex, age, race, etc. to work together to find a candidate common-enough and trusted-enough by the majority of the total number of registered voters to attain their consent. Thus requiring UNITY among the people. This unity, —corrupt governments fear most.
• It saves lots of vote-counting time. If less than 50% of the total number of registered voters check in at the polling stations for a ballot; —everything and everyone on the ballots automatically failed for lack of consent.
• It protects the rights of those who choose to not participate in the voting, by not criminalizing or demonizing them if they do not register as a voter.
• People who do not want to consent to any thing or any one on the ballot need not even submit a ballot, saving them time from standing in line.
• People who want to consent to some thing or some one on the ballot need not stand in line behind non-consenting voters, which saves them time at the polls as well.
• This demonstrates to all —that the people truly control our government, for the first time in our nation's history.
• It automatically eliminates most of the corruption in government because those sworn into office will have earned the trust of the majority of voters. —The candidates now know that the majority of voters can remove them from office before the end of their term.
• It eliminates the mob–rule and special-interest voting, which at present allows super–small voting populations to run, ruin, and control government and the nation.
• Counting votes in this manner encourages more people, registered as voters, to submit a ballot —if they want some item or some candidate to pass. They will know that if they do not submit a ballot to the polls, their vote automatically counts against everything and everyone on the ballot —Because they did not consent to any of it.
• The voter registration gets 100% purged more frequently (preferably every year, right after each election), so as to remove all the names; especially...
• those who died
• those who moved out of the district
• those incarcerated after being duly convicted
• those who lost interest in voting
• others not qualified to vote in that political jurisdiction
• those not wanting to participate in voting; as forced actions rarely produce quality outcome
• It eliminates the false “need” to vote for the Lesser of Evils to feel "patriotic".
Politicians remain blissful --as long as the citizens remain ignorant about how to properly control their government.
The consent of the governed vote-count system does not force a citizen to register as a voter.
The consent of the governed voting system, when practiced, is supposed to eliminate voting for the lesser of evils; which will keep more dishonest people out of office.
We, the governed people, are intended to work together to properly control the government's powers to equally protect each other's rights.
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