Drain The Swamp

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This includes elected offices as well as the first level appointees; be they city, county, state, or federal.
Draining the Swamp involves correcting, rather finally enforcing the people's correct Vote Count, —thus removing corrupted government officials from elected office, which restores the sovereignty of the governed people's votes by properly counting every registered voter's vote. Detailed at Who owns government? & How are they supposed to control it?
This Constitutional Executive Order Supports The Constitution of the United States of America, Article 6, which names the four elements of The Supreme Law of the Land:
This Constitution; The Constitution of the United States of America
and the Laws made in Pursuance thereof; Only the laws made in pursuance of The Constitution are enforceable. All others are void and without standing and should be amended for compliance, or repealed.
and all Treaties made, or which shall be made; but only those made under our nation's authority
under the Authority of the United States; Our nation's Authority is The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America. It details the sovereign authority over our governments, which is the unified vote of the governed people. The Constitution is the government's authority; power granted to government by the governed people.
shall be the Supreme Law of the Land;
—All government officials in all government levels and branches swear in under Article 6 Oath/Affirmation, regardless of the varied version recited.
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, top of Paragraph 2 states, "That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed".
With elected government officers being granted specific government powers, they also must receive the consent of the governed in order to be lawfully sworn in to exercise those powers.
"Consent of the governed" is defined as the majority of the total number of registered voters; using the 1756 common-use dictionary. At
Who owns government? & How are they supposed to control it? you see the actual 1756 dictionary snapshots and definitions.
Any person occupying an elected office who did not receive the consenting votes from the majority of the total number of registered voters in their district is guilty of insurrection and must vacate that office immediately.
Any thing up for vote in the office, where voters have not yet filled that empty seat, all votes from that empty seat must be in the negative, opposing anything presented for vote; until such time the people fill that seat with a candidate who receives the consenting votes from a majority of the total number of registered voters.
Insurrection — 1785
A seditious rising; a rebellious commotion.
A tumult; an insurrection; a popular commotion; an uproar.
Factious with tumult; turbulent.
1. A party in a state.
2. Tumult; discord; dissension.
1. Given to faction; loud and violent in a party; publickly dissentious; addicted to form parties and raise publick disturbances.
2. Proceeding from publick dissensions; tending to publick discord.
The governed people, are intended to work together to properly control their government's powers to equally protect each other's rights.
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