Quiz #19:
Master Civics Quiz vs. Government Civics Flash Cards

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(#1. Master Civics Response Notes: This is a great question. Its correct answer will make it exceedingly easy to determine when a law or other government actions violate this Supreme Law of the Land. The Constitution of the United States of America, Article 6 Paragraph2: "This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land." The Constitution is essentially the Law over government, thus, the Law over, the laws government passes.
(#2. Master Civics Response Notes: This is another great CIVICS question; the correct answer will help us KNOW when any of our government officers violate the law over them as well as letting us know WHEN it is time to remove those government officers. The Constitution of the United States of America, Amendment IX: "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people." Therefore covering ALL the rights NOT LISTED, not just the "basics" of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. In Amendment 10, it also reminds us that government powers are limited to ONLY those listed.
(#3. Master Civics Response Notes: The idea and details of the SELF-GOVERNANCE plan are worth KNOWING. Knowing them should help us better control our government. NOT knowing them will allow our government to destroy our lives, as detailed in The Declaration. Self-Governance actually is defined in The unanimous Declaration with these words, "endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. —That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed". The "We the People" phrase is merely the people exercising their power of self-governance. ---- The government answer is useless information that reveals nothing about the idea or the designed plan for Self-Governance for these united States of America.
(#4. Master Civics Response Notes: Yes. These are correct, but only partially so, as they relate to The Constitution. When accounting for The Constitution, Amendments deal directly with the adjustment of powers granted and powers to be granted to government as they relate to any of the peoples' rights; as well as the repeal of exercised powers not granted.
(#5. Master Civics Response Notes: We unfortunately have been taught that these Amendments 'grant to us our rights'. For anyone who has read the Amendments, they soon realize that the Amendments limit or prohibit government powers, specifically as they relate to the right listed.
(#6. Master Civics Response Notes: This question is more for Trivia Games than useful. When it uses the word FROM, it suggests that Amendment 1 grants those rights, which it does NOT. Amendment 1 specifically limits the powers of Congress, NOT the States. This is where a knowledge of each person's State Constitution becomes necessary. Most all of the State Constitutions prohibit their respective state-level government from violating those same rights. We MUST REMEMBER, The Constitution does NOT grant to us any rights, none at all. We ALREADY possess ALL the rights we ever will have. We may not have names some of them as yet. We do not get our rights from government; government gets its powers from us the people. We know this from The Declaration (generally) and from The Constitution, Amendments 9 & 10.
(#7. Master Civics Response Notes: This is mostly good only for Trivia.
(#8. Master Civics Response Notes: This is a very IMPORTANT question, —but only if the response is correct and not just coincidental, or simply a technical element as part of the ENTIRE Contract. These answers (though technically correct) are NOT what The Declaration DOES. The declaration, among other things, identifies the governed people as the owners and rightful controllers over government. It also identifies our vote-count method as CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED. It tells us that the purpose for government is for the security of the peoples' rights.
(#9. Master Civics Response Notes: From The Declaration, "That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, —That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is THE RIGHT of the People TO ALTER or TO ABOLISH it, and to institute new Government" This right is far more important than the others listed, because exercising this one, when needed, better secures all our other rights.
(#10. Master Civics Response Notes: KEEP in mind, the CIVICS definition, "the study of the RIGHTS & DUTIES of citizenship". It is good to be able to know what general rights we all possess. However, CIVICS deals ONLY with those RIGHTS that involve CITIZENSHIP. The Declaration details these rights and duties of citizenship in these words, "endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. —That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, —That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."
And then again, at the very end of The Declaration, our nation's TRUE Pledge, "for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor."
This clarifying element must be attached: Freedom of religion is the exercise or not of any religion SO LONG AS YOU DO NOT unjustly violate other people's rights.
(#11. Master Civics Response Notes: Yes. This is good to know information, but only if the information is correct. However, just as there are many types of Democracies as well as Republics; there also are different forms of Capitalism. That which is supposed to exist in these united States of America is the SUPPLY AND DEMAND form of capitalism. Unfortunately, we "enjoy" the government interference within Capitalism that favors large corporations as though "they are too big to fail"; and uses money stolen from private citizens, under the pretense of a constitutionally authorized tax, to bail out failing corporations. KNOWING that we are a SUPPLY & DEMAND type of Capitalist system should make it easy for us to recognize when government manipulates the markets to favor their personal political friends and should be removed from office.
(#12. Master Civics Response Notes: This is an excellent Question. Unfortunately, the responses given by Government are TRIVIAL. THE RULE OF LAW indicates a specific CHAIN OF AUTHORITY: 1. Governments get their power from the BODY of governed people. 2. The Declaration limits the powers that the governed people may grant to government. 3. The Constitution logs the powers granted to government. 4. Government is supposed to be limited to passing laws and doing only those things The Constitution authorizes. 5. The people, whether in government or not, are bound to obey ONLY the Constitutional government actions and laws; while DUTY-BOUND to resist the usurpations and tyranny by government officers who violate their OATH to The Constitution. 6. Then, we unify into a BODY to undo those UNJUST government actions and to REMOVE those unjust government officers —BEFORE their elected term ends.
(#13. Master Civics Response Notes: This is TRIVIA about the formation of the government. It does not DIRECTLY deal with the peoples' rights and duties OF CITIZENSHIP.
This is where every want-to-be citizen should write: The Governed; as in: "Governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed." That is, the governed are the most important part of government; The Sovereign entity part over government.
(#14. Master Civics Response Notes: This is an EXCELLENT Civics QUESTION. The government answers are TRIVIA and worse yet, INCOMPLETE. It does not DIRECTLY deal with the peoples' rights and duties OF CITIZENSHIP. WHEN those Checks & Balances of powers, granted to government fail; The Declaration tells us, the governed people, that it becomes OUR DUTY to make those NECESSARY corrections to keep our government on track.
(#15. Master Civics Response Notes: This is useful to know, as it relates to knowing who to contact when The Executive Branch personnel need to be contacted to get some work done, or un-done.
(#16. Master Civics Response Notes: This is good to know when contacting the legislators about the unconstitutional laws and other unconstitutional activity they authorize.
(#17. Master Civics Response Notes: This is mostly TRIVIA, as it should already be addressed in the previous question.
(#18. Master Civics Response Notes: Only useful in knowing whether any thing attained enough votes to pass.
(#19. Master Civics Response Notes: These such questions are lower-level information that does not much address the people's relationship with controlling government.
(#20. Master Civics Response Notes: It deals DIRECTLY with the peoples' rights and duties OF CITIZENSHIP, by knowing who to remove, via RECALL Elections when they violate The Supreme Law of the Land.
(#21. Master Civics Response Notes: Useful for knowing if a government action passed with enough votes.
(#22. Master Civics Response Notes: Not really necessary information.
(#23. Master Civics Response Notes: It deals DIRECTLY deal with the peoples' rights and duties OF CITIZENSHIP, by knowing who to remove, via RECALL Elections when they violate The Supreme Law of the Land.
(#24. Master Civics Response Notes: Good for knowing who to remove WHEN they violate The Supreme Law of the Land, by representing political party, PAC's, and special interest groups.
(#25. Master Civics Response Notes: Low-level information.
(#26. Master Civics Response Notes: Low-level information.
(#27. Master Civics Response Notes: Low level information.
(#28. Master Civics Response Notes: Good for knowing who to RECALL when they VIOLATE their OATH to The Constitution and The Supreme Law of the Land.
(#29. Master Civics Response Notes: Good for knowing who to RECALL when they VIOLATE their OATH to The Constitution and The Supreme Law of the Land.
(#30. Master Civics Response Notes: Low level information.
(#31. Master Civics Response Notes: Good for knowing who to RECALL when they VIOLATE their OATH to The Constitution and The Supreme Law of the Land.
(#32. Master Civics Response Notes: Good for knowing who to RECALL when they VIOLATE their OATH to The Constitution and The Supreme Law of the Land.
(#33. Master Civics Response Notes: Good for knowing who to RECALL when they VIOLATE their OATH to The Constitution and The Supreme Law of the Land.
(#34. Master Civics Response Notes: Good for knowing who to RECALL when they VIOLATE their OATH to The Constitution and The Supreme Law of the Land.
(#35. Master Civics Response Notes: Low level information.
(#36. Master Civics Response Notes: Low level information.
(#37. Master Civics Response Notes: Good for knowing who to RECALL when they VIOLATE their OATH to The Constitution and The Supreme Law of the Land.
(#38. Master Civics Response Notes: Low level information.
(#39. Master Civics Response Notes: Low level information.
(#40. Master Civics Response Notes: Good for knowing who to RECALL when they VIOLATE their OATH to The Constitution and The Supreme Law of the Land.
(#41. Master Civics Response Notes: Good for knowing who to RECALL when they VIOLATE their OATH to The Constitution and The Supreme Law of the Land.
(#42. Master Civics Response Notes: Good for knowing who to RECALL when they VIOLATE their OATH to The Constitution and The Supreme Law of the Land.
(#43. Master Civics Response Notes: Good for knowing who to RECALL when they VIOLATE their OATH to The Constitution and The Supreme Law of the Land.
(#44. Master Civics Response Notes: Low level information.
(#45. Master Civics Response Notes: The government has the wrong answer; as the 'Republicans' and the 'Democrats' started out as a single political party. The 'Patriot Act' and 'Affordable Care Act' prove that they remain the same political party. They merely present a good illusion that they differ. Thus the illusion that the people have a choice at the polls. Otherwise: It has NOTHING to do with the peoples' rights and duties OF CITIZENSHIP.
(#46. Master Civics Response Notes: Useless information.
(#47. Master Civics Response Notes: Good for knowing who to RECALL when they VIOLATE their OATH to The Constitution and The Supreme Law of the Land.
(#48. Master Civics Response Notes: Incorrect association of question, government answers, and actual amendment content. The government responses given here are repeated by those who NEVER took the tie to ACTUALLY READ the Amendments #15, Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. #24, Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote in any primary or other election for President or Vice President, for electors for President or Vice President, or for Senator or Representative in Congress, shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any State by reason of failure to pay any poll tax or other tax. #26, Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of age. NO PLACE in any of those Amendments does it GRANT the right to vote to anyone. THEY ALL prohibit the UNJUST government power of violating the rights THEY ALREADY POSSESS.
(#49. Master Civics Response Notes: This is actually an EXCELLENT CIVICS question....
...UNFORTUNATELY, the government responses have no standing in REALITY. Regarding JURIES. The Constitution only DEMANDS that the JURORS be IMPARTIAL. They do not even have to be citizens. JUST IMPARTIAL. Voting, though a Right, it is not a duty. EVERY citizen possesses the right to vote. It is just as important, and maybe more so, to vote local level as it is federal level. But we all possess the right to NOT participate in voting as well. However, when it comes to VOTING; EVERY CITIZEN should KNOW HOW our votes are SUPPOSED to be counted and willing to ENFORCE the VOTE-COUNT METHOD detailed in The Declaration, which is CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED.
(#50. Master Civics Response Notes: Voting and holding government office in ALL government levels should be for RESIDENT-CITIZENS ONLY. Allowing foreign influence into government, either through votes or government officers, will soon (though not necessarily) destroy a nation.
(#51. Master Civics Response Notes: The question is merely trivia. It is also worded incorrectly, in that EVERYONE on Earth POSSESSES these rights. It is just that the governments of many countries, and even in these united States of America that VIOLATE and stop people from exercising those and other rights by the unjust laws they pass and enforce.
(#52. Master Civics Response Notes: The question truly is a CIVICS question. The Response, given by government, is DECEPTIVE & MISLEADING. We are taught that it is to our nation and our nations flag to which the person pledges their allegiance. However, The Constitution, Article 4, Section 4 SPECIFICALLY NAMES that to which we pledge our loyalty with "that" Pledge of Allegiance; "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of GOVERNMENT". It is the government, by way of The Constitution that owes its allegiance to the governed people. The governed people owe NO allegiance to their government.
(#53. Master Civics Response Notes: The QUESTION is an excellent CIVICS question. Once again, the government response is purely indoctrination and propaganda. The Declaration tells us what EVERY person promises or pledges as a citizen: "for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor." Yes, they do give up loyalty to other people in other countries. NO, they ARE NOT defending the Constitution as much as becoming responsible for helping ENFORCE it against UNJUST government officers. ONLY to obey the CONSTITUTIONAL laws -- but to RESIST and fight against the UNCONSTITUTIONAL laws. NO citizen should ever be REQUIRED or FORCED to serve in the military during wars in which they find morally wrong. ALL WELL-INFORMED citizens continually SERVE the nation; though NOT always being friendly to the unjust government. NO loyalty to the government. ALL loyalty to fellow citizens.
(#54. Master Civics Response Notes: The question is purely TRIVIAL. EVERY citizen possesses the right to vote for ANYONE or ANYTHING on the ballots in their political jurisdiction. Amendment 26 does not GRANT to people of age 18 the right to vote. It LITERALLY prohibits the government from violating their right. Interesting point is; The Constitution DOES NOT authorize the government to VIOLATE the voting rights of ANY citizen of ANY age.
(#55. Master Civics Response Notes: This is an EXCELLENT CIVICS QUESTION. Once again, UNFORTUNATELY, the government is no help with their responses. Actual VOTING is SECONDARY to KNOWING HOW the votes are SUPPOSED to be counted. But KNOWING is secondary to ENFORCING the contractual VOTE-COUNT method of CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED, as detailed in The Declaration. The other is to help ENFORCE the terms of The Constitution against unjust government officers.
(#56. Master Civics Response Notes: This is another trivial question that has nothing to do with CIVICS; unless it deals with NOT paying taxes as a form of protest against unjust government actions. Better yet, this should deal with whether or not WAGES are actually taxable as INCOME. INCOME and WAGES, with respect to LABOR are two different 'animals', so to speak. WAGES, according to a 1913 dictionary is COMPENSATION for labor. INCOME, from the same dictionary, is the GAIN which proceeds from labor. The employee, almost NEVER receives the full value of their labor as compensation. The business keeps a chunk of that value for paying those expenses that generate no revenue. Thus, the employer NOT the employee GAINS from the labor of the employee. The employee literally works at a financial loss.
(#57. Master Civics Response Notes: The "MUST" part of this question becomes an act of TREASON on the part of government. No place in The Constitution have the people GRANTED the power to government to FORCE people of any age to serve in the military to fight wars they believe immoral. Treason... because the laws government has passed to FORCE military service is a declaration of war against The People themselves, who are the nation.
(#58. Master Civics Response Notes: The more interesting aspect of this question deals with what they did when they got to the Americas. They began acting toward the natives in like manner as their government acted towards them. Thus, simply continuing the cycle.
(#59. Master Civics Response Notes: Simply; the Natives. But this really depends upon how far back in archaeology we go. Do we care who were here -- BEFORE those natives of the 1400's?
(#60. Master Civics Response Notes: Why do we solely focus on the Trans Atlantic slave trade. Why not also the Trans Pacific slave trade that brought slaves to the Americas. The period of the trade in the Pacific (late 1560s to early 1700s) indicates that the slave trade as a whole changed with the advent of the foreign asientos (monopoly companies), which worked out of West Africa. The Rise and Fall of the Transpacific Slave Trade - Brill ---- The Pacific Slave Tradehttps://www.mccunn.com › Slave-Trade About 80% of the men shipped across the Pacific from China were kidnapped or decoyed; most were from the southern coastal region; and close to 100,000 landed in ... About 80% of the men shipped across the Pacific from China were kidnapped or decoyed; most were from the southern coastal region; and close to 100,000 landed in Peru. The Peruvian Congress–during a failed attempt to halt the traffic in 1856–likened it to "a kind of Negro slave trade." But traffickers found shipping Chinese yielded even greater profits than the African slave trade. According to James O'Kelly, a reporter for the New York Herald, the 900 Chinese on board a ship he visited in Havana, Cuba were worth $450,000 to their importers and had been obtained for a mere $50,000. ----===---- Slavery was then and still is a global issue.
(#61. Master Civics Response Notes: We are told that the government answers here are true. But if true, why have we allowed our own government to repeat those very same ills against us? Research, if done completely, will prove that the "founding fathers", if you will, simply wanted more of the political profits that came from the citizens. Why else do you suppose the likes of George Washington defended the WHISKEY TAX in the same manner the British defended their TEA TAX --- using the military against their own citizens. ---->Why do you suppose they continued slavery, if they truly believed "all mankind are created equal"? For the same reason, why would they continue destroying natives who occupied the lands they wanted to expand their new empire across?
(#62. Master Civics Response Notes: This is a PROPAGANDA question. Why? Because there is NO actual Declaration of Independence. The document Jefferson is credited with writing is The unanimous Declaration of the united States of America ---- Not, The Declaration of Independence. Government officials adopted the "Independence" name to make it easier for the citizens to FORGET the valuable information contained within it with respect to citizen-controlled government.
(#63. Master Civics Response Notes: Another government PROPAGANDA question. The Declaration of Independence was NEVER Adopted by the States. The unanimous Declaration WAS.
(#64. Master Civics Response Notes: Low level information.
(#65. Master Civics Response Notes: TREASON is what happened. 1. They began returning the States to the same style of tyrannical rule as under the King; by allowing the new government to legislate over the people in all cases whatsoever. 2. Declaring that some people can be counted as 3/5. etc.
(#66. Master Civics Response Notes: Written? If anything like the TREASON act that was pawned off as The Patriot Act of 2001, The Constitution was probably written long before it was adopted by Congress in 1787 and finally ratified in 1790.
(#67. Master Civics Response Notes: Purely TRIVIA. Has NOTHING to do with CIVICS. This is only HALF of the debate that went on regarding the adoption or not of The Constitution. ONCE ratified, the debates become useless. It now ONLY matters about the ACTUAL CONTENT of The Constitution and what those words meant to them, the people of THAT generation.
(#68. Master Civics Response Notes: Non Civics related. Low level information.
(#69. Master Civics Response Notes: PURELY propaganda and TRIVIA. George Washington is WRONGLY declared "The Father of our Country", simply because he is incorrectly declared as the 1st President. Under The Articles of Confederation, these men served as President: John Hanson serves from November 5, 1781 to November 4, 1782. Elias Boudinot, November 4, 1782 to November 3, 1783. Thomas Mifflin, November 3, 1783 to June 3, 1784. Richard Henry Lee, November 30, 1784 to November 23, 1785. John Hancock, November 23, 1785 to June 6, 1786. Nathaniel Gorham, June 1786 to November 13, 1786. Arthur St. Clair, February 2, 1787 to October 29, 1787. Cyrus Griffin, January 22, 1788 to March 4, 1789.
(#70. Master Civics Response Notes: Once again... TRIVIA, and government propaganda and disinformation. Though correct, ONLY if we ignore The Articles of Confederation, which also had Presidents; the first of whom was John Hanson (1715-1783), who served from November 5, 1781 to November 4, 1782. The Articles of Confederation ARE IMPORTANT for us regarding our RIGHTS and DUTIES, because it REMINDS us that our government is NOTHING more than a MANAGEMENT Corporation to manage our COMMON ASSETS, as WE direct them through The Constitutions.
(#71. Master Civics Response Notes: Low level information.
(#72. Master Civics Response Notes: Low level information. Government answer "Civil War" is not correct, as it was not a 'civil war'; it was a war between nations, with "The United States of America", the government, being the aggressor.
(#73. Master Civics Response Notes: Government answer is propaganda. A civil war is between two factions of the same country. The southern states lawfully seceded, before they joined into the Confederate States of America. Seven states seceded before the Confederate Constitution was signed, which was entirely within the union Constitution's terms. Other states seceded from the union, after that original signing of the Confederate Constitution, and joined the confederacy. This was an UNJUST war, initiated by "The United States of America", President Lincoln who refused to acknowledge that the States possess the right to LEAVE a union that they feel no longer protects their interests. A RIGHT / POWER retained by the States. Amendment 9
(#74. Master Civics Response Notes: Government answers PROPAGANDA. Unless we account for a government that no longer serves to protect our rights. Otherwise, "civil war" must be addressed. A civil War is a war between 2 factions of the SAME country. Once each of the States that were part of the united States of America SECEDED from that union; they were no longer bound by its Constitution. When they unified under The Articles of Confederation, they became The Confederate States of America; an entirely different country nation. Thus--- NO CIVIL WAR.
(#75. Master Civics Response Notes: The most important thing to know about what Lincoln did, was: Lincoln VIOLATED his oath to The Constitution and became a Traitor. He engaged in a war he could have avoided, causing the deaths of many in both countries and their allies. The union was still INTACT even though some of the States seceded. It was just a SMALLER union, but still a union, none the less.
(#76. Master Civics Response Notes: The Emancipation Proclamation demonstrates a President trying to CONTROL a foreign country's practices; as The Confederate States literally were a DIFFERENT country nation. This would become popular for presidents, that of trying to manipulate the politics of foreign countries.
(#78. Master Civics Response Notes: TRIVIA. Unless it is asking to prove which of those wars was Constitutional and DID NOT violate The Declaration.
(#79. Master Civics Response Notes: After the fact, it is useless information.
(#80. Master Civics Response Notes: After the fact, it is useless information.
(#81. Master Civics Response Notes: After the fact, it is useless information.
(#82. Master Civics Response Notes: Low level information
(#83. Master Civics Response Notes: This is government propaganda. Unless they are fighting THE COMMUNISM within these united States of America; the communism in other countries is not our concern, unless the people of other countries with which we ARE NOT at war ask us to help them stop it in their country.
(#84. Master Civics Response Notes: This is curious. "Tried" to end. Clearly indicates lack of success. Just as the FIRST attempt for our nation failed in 1776.
(#85. Master Civics Response Notes: Trivia. He is simply another of many MILLIONS involved in civil rights fights.
(#86. Master Civics Response Notes: Not important to CIVICS, unless we talk about the Annual celebration of the birth of someone I know. More to the point. "The United States of America", the government, already had a 2000+ page Bill -- ALREADY WRITTEN __ BEFORE the Towers were deliberately demolished; so they could more easily pass The TREASON Act that they titled "The Patriot Act, which UNCONSTITUTIONALLY expands the governments search and seizure powers WITHOUT an Article 5 Constitutional Convention.
(#87. Master Civics Response Notes: This would be important if it were worded to name a tribe that the U.S. Government violated.
(#88. Master Civics Response Notes: Of little Civics Value.
(#89. Master Civics Response Notes: Of little Civics Value.
(#90. Master Civics Response Notes: Of little Civics Value.
(#91. Master Civics Response Notes: This question should be; Try to name one U.S. territory that we are not treating like Britain treated the American Colonies.
(#92. Master Civics Response Notes: Of little Civics Value.
(#93. Master Civics Response Notes: Of little Civics Value.
(#94. Master Civics Response Notes: Of little Civics Value.
(#95. Master Civics Response Notes: Of little Civics Value.
(#96. Master Civics Response Notes: Of little Civics Value.
(#97. Master Civics Response Notes: Of little Civics Value.
(#98. Master Civics Response Notes: EVERY generation, right from 1776, has lost their ability to exercise some or all of any number of rights that the previous generations enjoyed. Thus, WE are NOT Free, when a government, WITHOUT Due Process of Constitutional Amendments will deny or disparage any of our rights that we RETAINED (SEE The Constitution of the United States of America, Amendment 9). "Home of the 'Brave' "??? NOT EVEN CLOSE! If the soldiers in our uniforms and the police were even the LEAST BIT brave; they would ARREST every legislator who voted FOR and worse yet passed any ANY UNCONSTITUTIONAL acts or Bills; as those people are, by description TYRANTS AND DESPOTS according to The Declaration. They are GUILTY of TREASON for having DECLARED War against these united States of America, which is the people, by using political force against us and our rights. They would have arrested any Executive Officer (President, Governor, etc.) who signed those Legislative acts into law; for they are guilty of the TREASON of giving AID AND COMFORT to the DOMESTIC ENEMY of the TYRANTS AND DESPOTS who passed them. They would ARREST and bring to TRIAL any fellow enforcers who enforce those UNCONSTITUTIONAL laws, for they to have committed the TREASON of giving aid and comfort to the enemy. They would also ARREST and bring to trial any JUDGE who does not allow The Constitution and / or The Declaration into the court to prove the Law is Unconstitutional and should not be enforced and should be repealed. WE ARE THE WORST COWARDS. WE ignorantly allow our family, friends, neighbors, etc. to be WRONGLY prosecuted and persecuted by government officers -- because they are not bothering us. WE do not realize that when the government finishes with OTHERS, they will come after us, sooner or later. WE do nothing because we fear the government might take those THINGS we possess. Not realizing that the government HAS ALREADY taken them; they just have not brought the truck to your house to pick them up. WORST of all, the government has already taken YOUR HONOR, most of your fortunes, and soon will also take your life with some UNJUST war, publicized illness, or unconstitutional law.
(#99. Master Civics Response Notes: The WHEN question is PURELY TRIVIA! The WHAT question would be the VERY FOUNDATION of THE STUDY OF RIGHTS AND DUTIES of citizens --- thus CIVICS. WHAT we celebrate is The unanimous Declaration of the united States of America and the fact that we won the FIGHT to EXERCISE our RIGHT of Self-Governance; the fight to better protect our rights.
(#100. Master Civics Response Notes: PURELY TRIVIA! The government has no business creating holidays for any purpose, except for maybe making it more convenient for people to get to the polling stations without risk of losing their jobs.
With, The Correct Perspective, any person can confidently answer whether every registered voter; votes; without relying upon any government employee as a resource?
The governed people, are intended to work together to properly control their government's powers to equally protect each other's rights.
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