Quiz #14:
Is it beneficial to citizens to show proof of residency, and citizenship in order to receive a Photo Voter-ID to vote?
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When a person is required to present photo identification, it prevents most people from casting ballots in cities and states where they are neither a citizen nor a resident. It goes a long way towards stopping invasions from ballot rigging with foreigners; who may be from other countries, other domestic states or domestic communities.
It is also a good idea to remove every name from the voter registration in every polling jurisdiction, after the last election of the year. This allows nearly an entire year for those interested in participating in voting to re-register.
This registration purge automatically removes all the names of people who died, moved, or lost interest. Thus, keeping the elections all the cleaner.
A constitutional amendment, ratified by the citizens directly, to
Clarify the Vote-Count
has become necessary for a nation that generally does not know how their votes are supposed to be contractually accounted for.
Quiz #15: Are there any elements of The U. S. Constitution that violates the rights of citizens?
The governed people, are intended to work together to properly control their government's powers to equally protect each other's rights.
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