Quiz #16:
Does Plurality, First-Past-the-Post, Consent of the Governed, and Majority who submits a ballot; all produce the same vote-count results?
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Though one of them is most inclusive of the others; the others can describe a voting system quite different than each other.
​Plurality: The concept where the "winner" simply gets at least one more vote than the other competition on the ballot; sometimes, just one more vote than nothing. This allows for the most corruption to enter government. This, in its simplest form, literally is Mob-Rule, the rule of the few over the many.
First-Past-the-Post: A concept, where the finish-line post is not known until after the race ends. Much the same as Majority who submits a ballot. Since we rarely know how many people will submit consenting ballots, the majority-post is not know before the race begins. This makes it slightly more difficult for corruption to enter government. But not by much. This is still mob-rule, however the mob is supposed to be slightly larger, still the rule of the few over the many.
Consent of the Governed: Includes the other three. This accounts for absolutely every person registered as a voter. With a known number of registered voters; the post is at 50% of the total number of registered voters. That means that the first to get 50% + 1 of the total number of registered voters to consent, —wins. This also is a plurality, in that in order to get at least one vote more than 50%, the winner will generally have at least 2 votes more than the closest competition, thus, plural, more than one. This requires the most people to be in agreement. The majority rules; but that rule is supposed to be in accord with the Strictly Limited Terms of The Declaration.
Quiz #17: How should "The United States" supreme Court rule on any Census Issue?
The governed people, are intended to work together to properly control their government's powers to equally protect each other's rights.
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