Quiz #18:
How should "The United States" supreme Court rule on all prohibition- or limitation-type weapons laws?
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The Court should opinion that the 1785 definitions for arms and infringe make any law that restricts who can or cannot keep or bear what kinds of arms, or where they can keep or bear them; no matter how sound those laws may seem; unless such prohibition is part of the punishment of a crime for which the accused is duly convicted; so long as the Constitution forbids those types of laws with Amendment 2, the Court must honorably rule that those laws violateĀ The Constitution of the United States of America, and are not enforceable. In addition, those who are responsible for passing, enforcing, and punishing anyone who exercises those rights, without unjustly violating any person or their property; will be held accountable for their rebellion, insurrection, and treason against the united States of America.
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