Restructure Educational Industrial Complex

This page changed with the April 06, 2024 edit.
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This page changed with the April 06, 2024 edit.
This is a simplified version of the educational system modifications. As a society in these united States of America; our education system has been moving in reverse. Presently, we have college students graduating and not being able to do some of the basic math that was taught in 1923 to 3rd through 5th graders.
There is an old saying: Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, feed him for life.
This proposal takes that one step beyond.
Teach a person —How to learn and how to teach others how to be self-sufficient and socially responsible; teaching the student how to teach / feed others and you feed / teach entire civilizations for generations into the future.
This is also intended as way for individuals to stay out of the present Jail–Prison Industrial Complex.
Pre-Schools and Kindergartens are removed from the formal education system, as this should be where the family teaches their children what they think most important with respect to family values. The viability of this is seen at
National Sales Tax Replaces Income Tax page; allowing families to return to living very well on just one primary income source.
This is the second fall–back educational step after the Grades 1-7 formal education. Then, after the 7th grade (about age 13), for the next four years on to the military—peace corps for militia- & trades- training at parent-student choice of locations.
The governed people, are intended to work together to properly control their government's powers to equally protect each other's rights.
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