Restructure Military Industrial Complex For War and Peace

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In place of creating real wars under false and unconstitutional reasons; develop real and productive peace–time purposes for the military. See the following links for other peace-time uses:
Disaster Preparedness Generally Flood & Drought Fires, Volcanoes, Quakes, Sinkholes, & More Utilities; Gas, Water, Sewer, Lightening, Electric, & More Solid Waste, Sewage, Hazardous, & Other Wastes — 100% No Landfills Food Production Transportation InfrastructureThis serves as an entry–level jobs training corp for any citizen, no matter the age or disability. Unlike the present military that seeks only young impressionable people who... generally did not learn how to control government as designed.
Our nation's free people cannot be forced to enter into any war that defends our city, county, state, or nation. When a government can force the free people (through draft or other means) to participate in a war they personally oppose —our people are not truly free.
The exception to forced military labor is that of persons duly convicted of criminal activity, in accord with The Constitution of the United States of America, Amendment 13. The more severe the crime committed, the more severe the military duty. In a rather literal sense, people who commit crimes (violating constitutional laws and violating other people's rights) volunteer for these types of service to their community and country.
Our government cannot refuse the aid of any citizen or ally who wishes to participate in helping us win the war. It is the leader's duty to work with the volunteer to help find the best war- and peace-time occupation for that person to help us secure the win.
The governed people, are intended to work together to properly control their government's powers to equally protect each other's rights.
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