Restructure Presidential Electoral System

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Presently, the process is not nationally-standardized for the only nationally-elected office; President of "The United States of America".
— The US Presidential Election is the only nationally elected office of our government and should remain a two-stage election process. The present Electoral System encourages candidates to campaign only in the states that yield the highest percentage of Electoral Votes. Thus, ignoring most of the rest.
Making this a Popular Vote Only System would simply encourage candidates to campaign in states yielding the highest percentage of Popular Votes. Once again, ignoring the rest.
The First-Stage vote is the popular vote. This requires a candidate to get the consenting votes from the majority of the total number of registered voters. Thus, satisfying The Declaration, with it consent of the governed phrase.
The Second-Stage vote is the Electoral Vote. Each Congressional District should be changed to go by county. Each County should have and retain its one and only Electoral Vote. This electoral vote should not be pooled with the others in the state. This vote is then, automatically determined by the candidate receiving the majority of the Popular Vote in that County.
By creating this Two-Stage Electoral System it would tend to force candidates to campaign in nearly every county; thus allowing more people throughout the nation to question candidates about The Constitution and their campaign platform and promises.
Each Electoral Vote may be assigned in any of two ways:
• The candidate receiving the majority of the total number of registered voter's consent will receive that Electoral vote.
•If none of the candidates receive the majority of the total number of registered voter's consent in any given county, that electoral vote will not go to any candidate. This way, voters will never feel the "need" to vote for the Lesser of Evils on any given ballot.
The governed people, are intended to work together to properly control their government's powers to equally protect each other's rights.
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