We didn't create this government mess...

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Helping establish Clean Honest Government with these united States of America.
This page changed with the March 24, 2024 edit.
Is that what will you tell the next generation —your children and grandchildren– when they RIGHTLY blame this generation for NOT properly controlling the government and sweeping those troubles under the rug?
Will you claim that you didn't know how (ignorance)? Ignorance is a somewhat valid reason and it is correctable.
Will you claim that you were too lazy, too apathetic, and too unpatriotic? Hey! After all, those are the incorrect names we call registered voters who do not submit consenting ballots to the polling station.
We can cure the not knowing how part.
This generation; we are the ones that our children, our posterity must blame for the political ills they inherit from us! For we, did nothing, —which made it all the worse.
What we, the people of these united States of America do not know about how to control our own government, allows our government officers to make us believe that we are divided into hundreds of feuding political pieces; so much so that we are easier to conquer and control.
Because we believe we are divided —We spend all our time fighting EACH OTHER; not realizing we are already unified for stopping the political corruption of our common DOMESTIC enemies, -tyrants & despots & traitors-within our own government.
By incorrectly believing we are divided, we sweep the mountains of political corruption under the rug for the next generation to deal with.
Incorrectly? Yes.
Our Official Contractual Vote-Count Method is detailed on this web-page, Who owns government? & How are they supposed to control it? Since 1776, almost none of the people in our elected offices won their respective campaigns, but were sworn into office anyhow. Our ignorance makes blissful politicians.
FOLKS! We are that next Generation to whom our parents and grandparents left the mess to correct!!
They claimed that they did not make the mess —so why should they have to fix it? So they did nothing. This is the same excuses we tell each other. "I didn't make the mess, why should I clean it up? And, we too —do nothing.
Here, with CleanHonestGov.Com, we do not ask you to clean up the government by yourself. We do ask you to help.
Large tasks become small when divided among several people.
People can do things more quickly and easily when they work together.
Controlling our government was never intended to be a one-person job. But the right person in the right leadership office can organize operations to make the work easier.
As we look through the evidence in other pages, this job must be done by the community; city, town, county, state, or nation. A community that works together to successfully accomplish the task of properly controlling their respective government in accord with the terms of the contracts detailed in the Dissection page will enjoy better protected rights and less government interference.
We, the governed people, are intended to work together to properly control government's powers to equally protect each other's rights; in accord with our nation's pledge from 1776.
If you like your government —just the way it is, do nothing.
Otherwise, share any content within. Get others talking about —Getting & Keeping Clean Honest Government.
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How you can Invest in making Clean Honest Government Our Reality
Helping establish Clean Honest Government with these united States of America.