Sources & Resources
This page changed with the April 06, 2024 edit.
To move all ads to bottom of screen, shrink the window width Time to get this "show" on the road!!The prototype CleanHonestGov.Com Human Powered Vehicle is almost ready for travel-testing.Be part of the success! Imagine: Your Ad Here!!Helping establish Clean Honest Government within these united States of America.Help spread the word! Sources & ResourcesThis page changed with the April 06, 2024 edit. Pre unites States of America Concepts about GovernmentWith civics, it helps to know what a given generation knew or thought of government. For now, we deal with the 1776 generation that founded these united States of America. Two works particularly stand out as frequently referenced during the 1776 generation of people wanting to break free of British ties. Locke & de Vattel. These two links take you to the their work without my comments. John Locke with his Second Treaties on GovernmentEmer de Vattel with is work on The Law of Nations What the Older Document Content Meant to the Signing GenerationThese next two links take you to a page with several sets of digitized older dictionaries and then to a page with hundreds of screenshots of many words used in the documents in the next section. Older DictionariesGlossary of Old Words From the Founding of Our Nation; to the PresentThese next links take you to pages with the entire text of several social contracts; some replaced by the ballot, some replaced by the bullet. The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America;The Articles of Confederation The Definitive Treaty of Peace The Constitution of the United States of America The Constitution for the Confederate States of America Improving Our FutureThese three links take you into the future. We can have something much better than the present. Proposed New ConstitutionProposed Government Projects & Programs Constitutional Conventions NextJohn Locke 2nd Treatise on GovernmentGovernments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed. [1776]The governed people, are intended to work together to properly control their government's powers to equally protect each other's rights. Share any content within this website. Get others talking about —Getting & Keeping Clean Honest Government. [End Page Content] To move all ads to bottom of screen, shrink the window width Time to get this "show" on the road!!How you can Invest in making Clean Honest Government Our RealityHelp make it happen! Imagine: Your Ad Here!!Helping establish Clean Honest Government within these united States of America.Help spread the word! |