Quiz #08:
Is government a corporation?
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With the popular writings by Emer de Vattel, The Law of Nations, 1758; he frequently refers to the corporation, government; or the government corporation.
The Law of Nations by Emer de Vattel
Dissection - Emer de Vattel - The Law of Nations - 1758
We see that, according to 1756 definitions, governments, corporations, communities, and politic are somewhat synonymous, in that they use common definition elements; as seen in the following definition screenshots.
What makes government so unnecessarily difficult to properly comprehend, is that we are routinely taught that we must study what was written by, or about every person who signed our key government documents. Then, we must also study both sides of all of the debates they had before signing. If that has not already given you a headache; many a 'scholar' will tell you that you must familiarize yourself with a host of Congressional Legislation, Executive Orders, and Judicial Opinions.
To simplify the matter, simply set aside all of the above-stated reading material. It is 'important' if you want to know where Jefferson, Adams, Washington, etc. stood on an issue. As for the perspective about how the citizens, as the governed people should properly see their government: All of the above listed reading material unnecessarily complicates the entire issue.
This brings us to the purpose of this lesson. The Proper Perspective for Viewing Government that makes it so simple to comprehend.
For this, we go back to a seventeen-fifty-six dictionary set to define the following words, respective to our nation's government documents. The selection of words only make sense after you see their definitions; then, the correct perspective comes into clear focus. The words are: corporate & corporation, government, community, and politicks[sic].
United in a body or community.
A body politick, authorized to have a common seal, one head officer or more, able by their common consent, to grant or receive in law, any thing within the compass of their charter: even as one man.
1. The commonwealth; the body politick.
2. Common possession.
The science of government; the art or practice of administring publick affairs.
1. Form of Community with respect to the disposition of the supreme authority.
2. An establishment of legal authority.
3. Administration of publick affairs.
As you noticed; each definition uses one or more of the other four words as part of its own definition. Underlining above was added to emphasize the fact that government and corporation are synonymous.
With this, the government as a corporation perspective simplifies the search for the correct documents based on the purpose for those documents.
Many more people are comfortably familiar with what paperwork to look for in commercial corporations. This is taught in nearly all business and investment courses. The Founding Charter is the contract and enforceable law among the owners and controllers of the corporation they are creating. The By-Laws is the contract from the owners and controllers for measuring the qualifications and performance of the key corporate officers, who will generally be elected or appointed by the owners and or the controllers.
When we look at government as a corporation; the Corporation's Contract Paper-Trail, listed in the above paragraph makes total logical sense. Now, all we must do is identify what documents with government do those same things as a commercial corporation.
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America: is The Founding Charter, the private law, if you will, among the people in all of the thirteen unified States (at that time) on the American continent from seventeen-seventy-six, right through to the present. It has never been replaced. It has never been amended. It has only been forgotten about, except for July 4th fireworks. Even then, The Declaration is almost never talked about. In fact, the name, The Declaration of Independence makes it much easier to forget and ignore. After all, the politicians tell us; "What do we need that old thing for. We have not been under British rule for over 250 years. It's old dead paper!"
With that, the people have all but forgotten about the most important contract among ourselves as citizens being, co-owners and co-controllers over government. The clause "consent of the governed", in The Declaration, makes the unified majority of the total body of registered voters, The Sovereign Authority over government; subject themselves, as that Sovereign, to the terms within The Declaration. The contractual vote-count is detailed in a later page.
The Declaration also contains our nation's real pledge, with respect to what we, as united States Americans are supposed to put at risk to keep our nation truly Free, Sovereign, and Independent. This pledge is detailed in a later page.
The Constitution of the United States of America: is The By-Laws generated from the governed people, as The Sovereign Authority to bind their key corporate officers in government.
The Constitution is the primary Job-Description sheet that the Human Resources Department, which is The Majority of the Total Body of Registered Voters are supposed to use to qualify candidates based on whether their promises support or violate The Constitution. Then, once legitimately elected in accord with the terms of The Declaration, The Constitution is supposed to determine if a government officer or government action needs to be stopped, or recalled, removed from office before the end of their elected or appointed term.
We see that, by definition, governments are corporations.
See also,
The Correct Perspective page.-
Quiz #09: Was slavery totally abolished in the united States of America?
The governed people, are intended to work together to properly control their government's powers to equally protect each other's rights.
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