The Purpose for Recall Elections

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The founding generation was familiar with the concept of firing public officers via the Recall process, as seen in our nation's first constitution, The Articles of Confederation, Article 5, Clause 1; it states:
For the more convenient management of the general interests of the united states, delegates shall be annually appointed in such manner as the legislature of each state shall direct, to meet in Congress on the first Monday in November, in every year, with a power reserved to each state to recall its delegates, or any of them, at any time within the year, and to send others in their stead, for the remainder of the Year.
Recall elections were established in order to remove corporate officers, in this instance, government officers from their post BEFORE the next General Election.
Why leave a 3-year contacted employee in a bank; especially when you have evidence they are unjustly taking money?
Why leave a contracted-elected officer employed in government, with evidence they violate their contract, The Constitution of the United States of America?
Recall elections are just a valid against Presidents and supreme Court Judges, as they are against members of Congress and your local Dog-Catcher.
Recall elections are counted exactly the same way as the General Elections are supposed to be counted. Refer back to 'Vote-Count Methods' on Who owns government? & How are they supposed to control it?
The difference with Recall Elections is that recall elections are supposed to happen as soon as the people recognize that any act of government or government officer is violating The Constitution of the United States of America; or any of their respective State Constitutions.
The citizens are full co-owners of the corporation called government. As with any other type of corporation; the majority of the total body of registered voters possess the just powers to control the government by undoing any of the injustices by government officers, including United States supreme Court Judges, Presidents, and Legislators; as well as at the city, county and state levels.
And then, when removing an officer, replace them with one who is better trusted by enough registered voters to get the majority of them to consent.
With a TOTAL Recall Election, the citizens can, and should rewrite their nation's constitution, to undo the many unjust actions by their government officers and to redirect the path of government. Thus, up-righting themselves. As a society, they should be well-informed enough to have learned from their own history to be able to produce a far better constitution.
The 20/20 Founding Charter & Constitution is simply a proposed new constitution that addresses most of the present political ills. It takes the best from The unanimous Declaration, The Articles of Confederation, and The Constitution of the United States of America and combines old technology with modern times to eliminate the most questionable election activity.
With the The 20/20 Founding Charter & Constitution, which includes the Proposed Constitutional Amendments. Combine that with some Constitutional Executive Orders and Projects and Programs.
Then we have a government and society that works together for the common objectives as designed from 1776. The equal security of all peoples' rights.
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Churches, charitable organizations, and private personal gifts to those unable to produce as much as they need takes the government out of the business of actually providing the product of a right. Now, government can focus on its created duty of securing the peoples' right so that the individual can provide the product of the right according to their ability and according to their ability to get the charitable organizations and individuals to help them.
It is not the government's job to make certain that everyone has equal housing, equal medical, equal food, equal whatever. Though every person possesses the right to the best housing, the best medical, the best food, the best whatever. The people do not have the right to hire government to take from others so that they can have it better than what they are able to provide for themselves.
With the government established to help secure the peoples' rights, collectively; The government is only there to stop unjust activity from others who are infringing upon another person and unjustly stopping them from attaining the best that they can personally afford.
With the above recall tools; then, knowing what it is to be a united States American and living it; —the citizens are ready to properly control their government.
We, the governed people, are intended to work together to properly control the government's powers to equally protect each other's rights.
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